I hate how there's shit bait posts, and I hate how lostrib keeps posting that bait meme every time he sees shit bait posts.
I hate how you all have fake standards and silly quality filters.
I hate how I chose my username to be bobrossperm because i'm past my Bob Ross loving phase for now.
I hate how there's multiple so called 'pro gameplay' posters and each of them have completely opposing oppinions on what good gameplay is.
I hate the way gamers on forums and youtube are in general. There's a very small group of people who are unbiased, or even if not, they are rational and appreciate games they like on whatever platform. They are the severe minorty, unfortunately.
Trolling for the most part has gotten old, because we've seen it all haven't we? I don't know how much longer God/Jankarcop is going to run this PC dickriding parade on here. It got old long ago. But seriously I did find it funny at first, really.
And more than anything, I can't for the life of me understand why gamers on the internet base their opinions on what fanboys think or say. The amount of people on here that bash a game or hate a game just because a cow or a lem annoyed them or overhyped a game, ugh. These people have no substance to them in my eyes. Just suck it up and like what you like. There's a huge chunk of the Nintendo fanbase I really dislike, that doesn't stop me from loving Nintendo games.
All in all gamers are by far the most immature community of any medium. You just don't have equivalents to system wars for movie or music sites, and definately not literature sites. Think of it, an anticipated book releases and flops commercially and critically, the community laugh and call it a 'FLOP'. It's an absurd thing to even think.
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