Is that the market for non-gamers is 100% larger than the market hardcore gamer.
The "Casuals" or non-gamer market is so untapped! It has so much potential. Nintendo has been stereotyped as a "kiddy" company but they're changing the ages of gamers. People from all ages, 5-75 love Wii sports and Brain Age and then say "hey I hear this Zelda, Metroid,Mario,Fire Emblem game is good. I'll try it" And then BOOM! A new hardcore gamer is made.
I think the Wii is perfect for the hardcore gamer, Franchises like Zelda, Mario, and Metroid invented what it is to be a "hardcore" gamer.
Also, with the DS we've seen Nintendo attract alot of Non-Gamers, I mean 38 million going on 40 is alot of sales in just over two years. Thing is, alot of those non-gamers or casuals will become hardcore because of the DS and the Wii and a whole new hardcore gamer is born off of Nintendo products.
Bringing Casuals and Non-Gamers can breed hardcore gamers while securing alot of sales from those who stay as casuals.
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