Okay Like many of you I ve just finished MGS4 and I am Truly satisfied with the game. However where does Kojima go from now? I personally would like him to do 1 of 3 things in no particular order
1. Remake the msx games games using MGS4 Engine
I would really like this. Would be great to see Solid Snake back as a rookie in full 3D and with the amazing production values of 4.
2. Make another Metal Gear Solid series in different universe.
So like the Final Fantasys, Zeldas etc without any link to the previous games. Would be interesting to see what Kojima could cook up with a completely fresh slate. ( Wasn't this his original intentions? )
3. Make a new action adventure game.
Again I think it would be really interesting to see what he could come up with. I personally would like another 3rd person stealth action game although with MGS4 he demonstrated he could do action very well so I wouldn't be disappointed if he took an entirely action oriented a approach
Here what I would like and theres only one thing i can think of that I wouldnt like which is.
To add any more sequels or prequels to the current series.
Obvioulsy I wont spoil anything but Ill just say that I was very satisfied with how everything turned out in MGS4 and I think to add anything to it could possobly ruin it particulary a sequel I wouldnt mind a prequel so much but still I like it how it is at the moment.
So what your opinions?
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