You should get a PlayStation 3. It has excellent exclussives such as Game of the Year, Metal Gear Solid 4:Son of the Patriots. Also excellent exclussives such as Heavenly Sword, action adventure Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Shooters such as Resistance Fall of man, and Resitance 2 ofwhich you'll enjoy greatly if you are feeling bloodthirsty.PS3 also has the critically acclaimed Killzone 2, which is a fantastic experience and is hailed as the Console Graphic's King game of all consoles. It has amazing multiplayer and single player cmpaign that will keep you hooked 'till the end.
It has many more available exclussives such has platformer LittleBigPlanet thatcan be played and enjoyedby anyone. Third-Person and Action Adventure hit, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune thatrated T for teens,but it practically can be enjoed by almost anyone. It is 1 of the PS3's highly praised games because of its stunning graphics, and if you own a Plasma of HDTV,then you'll enjoy the bleeding edge ofgaming.
In the list is also, Ninja Gaiden Sigma,Naruto Ninja Storm, MotorStorm, GrandTurismo Prologue, SOCCOM Confrontation, MLB 09: the show, DBZ: Burst Limit, Tekken 5 Dark Resurection, inFAMOUS, Demon Souls
And upcomming games that you'll enjoy massively:
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (with awards such as;Best Game at E3, Game of Show, Best Graphics, Best Action Adventure, Best Console Game)
- Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
- Fat Princess
2010 beyond:
- God of War 3
- Final Fantasy Versus 13
- Final Fantasy 14 Online
- Grand Turismo 5
- Trine
- Star Hawk
- NBA 2010
- Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer
- DC Online
- White Knights Chronicles 2
- LittleBigPlanet2
- Agent
- The Last Guardian
- Siren
- Dark Cloud 3
- Socom (working tittle)
- L.A. Noire
- Eyedentify
- Twisted Metal
- Time Crisis 4
- Yakuza 3
- White Knight Chronicles
- The Agency
- Tales of Visperia
- Quantum Theory
- Modnation Racers
The PlayStation network is free, has BluRay, Wi-Fi bult in, ect
And if you could wait in buying, you should hold on oto it, since there have been countless rumors of not only in this site, but all the Internet about a PS3 slim & Pricecut. All that will be revealed on August the 16th that is Sony's press conference at Gamescon. Germany.
There all your question will be answered. But if you want to buy it now, You should go to BestBuy and buy the Killzone 2 and MGS4 bunddle for $399.
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