[QUOTE="R0gu3Do0d"][QUOTE="Fignewton50"]I agree, the price of the PS3 needs attention. I think Sony also feels like it's one of the cheapest Blu-Ray players as well. However, that doesn't work for me because this is a game console that has competition from other gaming consoles. The number of people who want to spend $400 on a movie player is very small.
With Microsoft agressively going after consumers today with the cheapest console available with the arguably best console lineup right now, Sony needs to act fast. They are in last place and their stubborness with price and delays of their key games are not going to change that anytime soon.
Yes, Sony may end up selling more PS3s than Microsoft sold 360s at the end of their ridiculous 10 year lifecycle. And if that is their ultimate objective, they are far too long-sighted. Microsoft delt them a huge blow this generation and if Sony continues to ignore the drastic changes in the industry Microsoft is making, they will be sorely hurting for the next generation.
Brand name and past success will only get you so far. Sony needs to wake up and start focusing on aggresively going after consumers today.
I think your wrong in many ways... Sony is not hurting... Sony is a company about the long run... they don't care if they loss money at first (They were lossing a lot on ever PS3 when they first game out... It cost more then 600 for them to make them at the start)... Sony set there Eyes on making the PS3 so it would last longer so they could gain there money of of games sold... Right now there hurt by it, but in no way are they going to die from it... Once some of there major games start coming they will start making more money... They will gain even more because the PS3 will still have all of sonys support when the next Xbox is coming out and then the Ps3 will seem more like the casual gamers entrance into the Next gen...
Sony is looking at the big picture unlike microsoft... Microsoft looked for the quick buck with the Xbox 360 when they released it a year ahead and because of there poor planning they lost Billions on RROD... Sony also lost Billions, but the PS3 is going to out last the 360 which will give them more time to make back there money/ get more money...
Sony is hurting. They are last in sales, the old PS2 and PSP are keeping the game division afloat, and I think they are still in the red from all the losses with the PS3.
And of course Sony isn't going to go bankrupt because of the PS3. However, they are risking coming in last place this generation, which could have lasting negative implications for the future of their gaming division. Sony had a stranglehold on the industry last generation with the PS2. Look how much has changed in the matter of 1 generation.
I think Microsoft is looking at the big picture a lot more than Sony. Microsoft is doing everything they can to overthrow Sony and make a huge splash in the video game industry. They launched first, have released almost all of their flagship games, and have very aggresively been competing on price. Sony meanwhile has launched very few of their first party games, barely changed the price, and is still focused on the 10 year lifecycle while Nintendo and Microsoft are running away with sales.
Microsoft is not" Running away with sales" the PS3 is getting closer and closer to it... What sales charts have you been looking at... The PS3 is in the Danger of getting last and if they go for a 10 year lifecycle they could start selling there console for a profit when Microsoft releases there new console and they would still get more support because it would be cheaper and have a much better library... They are planning on making most there money off of games so dropping the PS3 before they have to would be stupied... they could make a lot of money when M$ releases there new console and the PS3 becomes the Cheap Casual Entrence into gaming like the PS2 was...
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