a 64bit architecture procesor / pc compatible
Sony should get out of their arrogance castle and akcnowledge the failure of the cell architecture to compete with what they called "a lower spec console" which is the x360. dont get me wrong, i know that the PS3 have potential and all, but the "no noticeable diffrence" in gfx between the two consoles was not worth the complicated and alien cell technology.
a real motion detection controls (not like the wii's half good shovelware) whith real 3 dimentional position readings (like gps, a very old technology now!).
both M$ and Sony should acknowledge that Nintendo has beaten the crap out of em with basically a N64 with motion controls !!!! how stupid is that?
and Nintendo should also acknowledge that even with max sales, without the support of hardcore gamers they are not worth $hit.
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