My threads about Nintendo are usually just silly ones that poke fun at them just to get a good laugh,but their are things that seriously aggravate me. Not going to go into full detail, for now wii( :lol: I made a funny) will just cover one. My biggest complaint about the wii...TO MANY ADD-ONS!!! I thought the idea of the wii-mote was to provide motion control for just about anything imaginable...guns, swords as well as wheels/handlebars and yet, they feel the need to add all these extra pieces of plastic as well....wheels,guns, guitars(granted this is necessary)swords and worst of all AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE WII!!!
Its bad enough you have all these add-ons(this is just the sports pack) and Im guess Im ok with the new Wii motion+(regardless of my belief of this needing to be their in the FIRST PLACE)and sure the WiiFit board holds potential for the future, but do you really need to sell the nunchuck separate?!?! I mean really the 360 and PS3 doesn'tsell you half of a controller. I mean if I want to get 3 more controllers for a friend I also have to get 3 more nunchucks sold separately as well! I mean yes, this would be deemed acceptable if it weren't for the fact that...MOST GAMES ON THE WII USE THE NUNCHUCK!!! Come on guys, cut us some slack.
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