Halo Infinite gameplay Reveal trailer (looked rough) 32%
Halo Infinite delay (no good launch games now for x-series) 41%
Closing down Lionhead (a prestigious studio creators of fable) 36%
Canceling Scalebound (Xb1's exclusive JRPG) 36%
Rocket League timed exclusive off XB1 18%
Street Fighter 5 kept off the XB1 23%
FF7 Remake timed exclusive off XB1 27%
No Man's Sky timed exclusive off XB1 14%
Losing Timed Deals with Call of Duty 27%
Losing Timed Deals with Destiny 27%
XB1 being bundled with kinect for extra 100 dollars 45%
XB1 being underpowered compared to the PS4 27%
No Next-Gen only exclusives for 2 years on X-Series 41%
Terrible X-Series Launch Games 27%
Halo 5 / Halo MCC Flopping with fans 18%
Achievements falling behind Trophies with no Platinums for 100% 14%
Fall Guys timed exclusive kept of XB1 9%
Indies like Bro Force skipping XB1 because of parity clause 18%
Persona 5 skipping xb1 23%
Old JRPG Remasters like ff7/ffx/ff12/kingdom hearts coming to xb1 later on 14%
XB1 Controller still using AA Batteries and bad Bumpers and D-Pad no bluetooth/headphone jack on version 1 23%
XB1's confusing laggy User interface with no dynamic themes and adverts that block the view of your wallpaper 18%
XB1 not having a real baseball game like MLB the Show 18%
Microsoft discontinuing 12 month live sub and charging 100 dollars per year 23%
Xbox Live not allowing players to play free to play games online for free 27%
XB1's fat ugly VCR design with external giant power supply 23%
Xbox not getting a VR headset like PC/PS4 32%
X-Cloud not being on iPhones and iPads at launch 27%
Microsoft paying Youtubers to say good things about Xbox One and not revealing they were paid (machinma incident) 18%
Not supporting Kinect after force bundling it on early adopters 18%
Telling gamers XB1 was an always online system and couldn't trade games without a fee 32%
Rare talent leaving after the buy out and making low quality games since 36%
Gears of War losing relevance 23%
Not getting Spiderman in Avengers or standalone 18%
PS+ usually having better games than Games with Gold 27%
Batman exclusive content 23%
Red Dead Redemption 2 exclusive content 18%
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