Sony seems to have everything covered in terms of exclusives, by themselves or 3rd party, but there are definitely some weak points in there, which types of game do you think they should invest in next?
WRPG - Horizon
JRPG - Ni No Kuni, Dragon Quest, Persona
SRPG - Valkyria, Disgaea
Sports - MLB The Show, Hot Shot Golf
WTF game - Death Stranding
Hack & Slash - God of War, Nier
Platformers - Dreams?, Ratchet and Clank, Crash
Fighting - Street Fighter
FPS - Killzone
Racing (Arcade) - DriveClub
Racing (Sim) - Gran Turismo
Superhero - Spiderman, Infamous
Movie game - Detroit, Until Dawn
Zombie Game - TLoU, Days Gone
3rd Person Adventure - Last Guardian, Uncharted
3rd Person Action - NiHo, Gravity Rush, Yakuza, Bloodborne
Small Budget - Matterfall, Tomorrow Children, Wild
I think they need an arcade type racing game after Driveclub since the studio closed down, maybe not realistic, something like Wipeout or ModNation. Definitely should bring Wipeout back.
They could make their own fighting game, but not PS Allstar, that sucked.
They could make a simulation game or RTS, Killzone Wars???
I think they definitely need a premier FPS with long lasting multiplayer since I think Online and FPS are their weakest points, and FPS is the most popular genre now. They should make something like Destiny or just buy Bungie.
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