Uncharted 3
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus
Twisted Metal
probably getting:
Battlefield 3 (i clocked in 120+ hours in Bad Company 2. two months after release, the online got totally crap, like a mountain full of garbage. so i sold it. also, it's just too similar to Bad Company 2. in BC2 the weapons are so unbalanced)
Skyrim (have not played any Elder Scrolls game, only played the opening sequence of Morrowind don't kill me, but Oblivion had mixed reactions from gamers)
Arkham City (looooved Arkham Asylum. but since im already purchasing those 3 above, and because it is only single-player, i might hold it off. i have a life too outside games)
Dark Souls (never played Demon's Souls, heard it was hard at the beginning but it gets easier once you know enemy AI patterns and i love 3rd person games, but it's not like i'm the biggest RPG fan ever)
Disgaea 4 (played all the Disgaeas, clocked in 300+ hours in all of them except for Disgaea 3 which i sold right away because it was too similar to the other Disgaeas. if there's not much addition to this title, i will not get it. and by additions i mean better and more classes, armours, skills, etc. and not just a newer game mechanic of lifting and throwing or adding a classroom like in Disgaea 3. i want more monsters, different stages that past titles, more features)
Resistance 3 (based on the previews, the SP is really awesome. but i have the MP beta and the maps are just uninspired. maps are too small, it's not enjoyable being a sniper since the locations for sniping is very limited, and the time you spend being alive is really short. it's so fast-paced and so run-and-gun. give me some space and maps for strategies and not just 'go to other end of the map and shoot everything that moves' type of maps)
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