Yes and no.
A lot of the core tenants are still used but it has some bad design.
Like, you are given weapons to deal with enemies, much of which come at awkward angles.
But the weapons are not fixed. So, while you're being barraged with enemies, espically in the later levels combined with platforming, gonna be picking up items don't want.
The weapons themselves are not balanced, at all. The stop watch uses up more resources, but it's relatively useless, espically in boss battles.
The holy water is OP, and what I say OP, I mean fucking OP. Once you have this, you will not want, nor really need, to pick up any other item even, you'll actively be avoiding hunting for items.
In the cases of bottles, it renders them all but pointless. A constant stun-lock. The big bad Dracula becomes a joke.
Even without using this, I found the hardest fight was the Grim Reaper (death) whatever it's called. And it's largely due to bullshit as well where projectiles magically spawn in sometimes directly on the player.
Dracula is just a case of jumping and whip. His second form moves, but it's the exact same pattern just incrementally moving an inch.
Overall, wasn't keen on this game. The later entries like Rondo I enjoy far more. But this was more a curio than something want to play again.
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