I spent my longest on Lost Odyssey 83, ive just begun playing rpgs blue dragon i spent 80 hours on.
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FF12........More than 120 hours.........
Hunting missions, rare games, finding ingredients to make ultimate weapon, extra boss, level up, finding extra GF.......Pain in the ass...
more curent ifyou count Pokemon 150 hours on Diamond
Without it there has been many FF games over 80...But DQ was my first JRPG the first four I spent months beating them over and over again...Was a lot younger and my parents did not buy me a lot of games. Plus they are amazing can't wait for the remakes.
I spent my longest on Lost Odyssey 83, ive just begun playing rpgs blue dragon i spent 80 hours on.
umm over 550 hours with final fantasy X !! I was crazy about that game played it like 10 times and even got EU version to check out dark aeons and the biggest and strongest boss ever created in final fantasy! man those were good times....
LO spent over a 108 hrs and that is not counting the hours lost because of me stupidly not saving.I spent my longest on Lost Odyssey 83, ive just begun playing rpgs blue dragon i spent 80 hours on.
[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]LO spent over a 108 hrs and that is not counting the hours lost because of me stupidly not saving.I spent my longest on Lost Odyssey 83, ive just begun playing rpgs blue dragon i spent 80 hours on.
I had 106 hours on Lost Oddyssey with 1 play through. That is my highest without including FFXI.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]Pokemon Red, I don't know how many times I've replayed that game. If I had to guess it would probably be over 150 hours. Lol, 80 hours, that's wimp :P ZaerynPersona 3 is a good game. I bought it like 5 days ago.
I've played 90 hours of it so far. But I've done too many screw-ups to bother continuing :lol:
FF 1 50h
FF IV 80h
FF V 60h
FF VII 120h (more or less 25h counting all replays)
FF VIII over 160h (more or less 400h counting several replays)
FF X 135h
FF X-2 106h
FF XII 115h
Hack series 1 110h (completion time of all 4 volumes)
Hack GU series 130h
Diablo 2 LoD 100h
Valkyrie Profile 2 80h
Star Ocean 3 120h
Crisis Core 80h
Xenosaga series 200h (completion time of all 3 games)
PERSONA 3 98h + another 60 of PERSONA 3 FES The Journey and 48 of The Answer so it would total in 206h
FF 7, and FF 8: IDK, 50 hours?
FF 10: 80-120 hours
Dark Cloud 2: 100+ hours
Pokemon(combined): A lot of hours.
How are people saying FF 12? I hated that game so much, it felt soooooo bad, half of the time i didnt even know why I was going to a place, it seriously needed more cutscenes or something. And who though of putting Vaan and Penelo in the game? THEY HAVE NO REASON TO BE THERE.
Persona 3 is a good game. I bought it like 5 days ago.[QUOTE="Zaeryn"][QUOTE="Eponique"]Pokemon Red, I don't know how many times I've replayed that game. If I had to guess it would probably be over 150 hours. Lol, 80 hours, that's wimp :P Eponique
I've played 90 hours of it so far. But I've done too many screw-ups to bother continuing :lol:
Heh, I'm about 30 hours into the game, almost at August. Going to finish the game for the first time, finish the new content in FES, and then start a new game. Really fun game so far :DYeah I miss FFX too. I got so involved in the story when I played it a few years ago. Outstanding and very memorable game.dang...this really makes me want to play FFX again...
but, on topic, around 40 hours on FFX...when i first played it all i did was the main quest and that was it.
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