You know the game is crap. Does it take itself to seriously? Is the game-design so bad that you can barely navigate the levels? Are the graphics so bad that what should look like men are really talking boxes?
You know it doesnt deserve a higher score, its not a good game you know it. But why the heck is it kinda fun? is it because of the terrible dialogue that wants to sound witty ends up sounding awkward. Is the AI horribly stupid but fun to watch?
For me it would have to be
"The Outfit"
Its got some of the worst dialogue ever in a game. Its dialogue is soooo cheesy and so is the voice acting. I mean what game is good that has the Germans saying 'You cannot resist!'. What the hell does that have to do with war anyway?
I couldn't find many photos to display the god-awful graphics in the game. Seriously horrendus and bad. This photo is probably showing theBEST GRAPHICS IN THE WHOLE GAME.Its no wonder the camera stays so far away from your avatar. But when cutscenes come you will see that these graphics are the worst you can find this gen. The ingame engine uses Relics COH engine. That may sound okay until you realise that they are using an RTS ENGINE IN A 3rd Person GAME! They didnt even modify it at all for this game it looks so awful but remeber these photos are displaying the best graphics in the whole game so they are usually even worse.
The worst thing is that it is made by Relic games. These guys were behind the awesome RTS Company of Heroes and Warhammer Dawn of War series which are both highly acclaimed series. HONEST. And then they made this.
Honestly this game deserves a2/10.
But why did I have fun?
Because when you and a friend are playing co-op and listening to the hilarious dialogue (non-intentionally hilarious) it just makes you burst in laughter and makes you keep playing.
Enough about me what was the most crappy game YOU played this gen that was actually fun? But remember, it has to be crap, not YOU thinking its good but critics say its not. It has to be crapply rated in your opinion and critics.
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