It have a story but it is very simple.....kill the demons and free the is the same with Diablo games......kill the demons.'s what is written in wikipedia for those who don't want to figure the game out for themselves:
Like its predecessor Demon's Souls, Dark Souls has a notably minimalistic plot. Events and their significance are often implicit and left to player interpretation rather than fully shown or explained. Much of the story and lore of the world is given to the player through dialogue from characters within the world, item descriptions, or the scarcely few cutscenes. It is up to the player to put the pieces together.
In the founding of the universe, the earth was unformed, covered in crags, and dragons held sole dominion over the world. However, The Fire of Lords along with the human race eventually came into existence for reasons long lost to time. From the fire emerged four powerful entities who harnessed the Fire of Lords to combat the dragons, eventually overthrowing them and launching humanity and their new lordly gods into a golden era known as the Age of Fire.
The protagonist is a male or female Undead, who has yet to become Hollow. He/she escapes from the northern Undead Asylum with the help of another undead and learns of the prophecy concerning a chosen Undead who leaves the Undead Asylum in pilgrimage and rings the Bell of Awakening in the land of the gods, Lordran.
Once the character has rung the Bells of Awakening, the gate leading to Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo is opened, and the Primordial Serpent Kingseeker Frampt is awoken. He tells the player that he is the Chosen Undead that must succeed Lord Gwyn and remove the affliction of the Darksign. It is implied that Frampt is very old and has awaited the protagonist's arrival for a very long time. To achieve this given task, the character must get the Lordvessel from the land of Anor Londo. When the task is done, the character must obtain the four powerful Lord Souls from Seath the Scaleless, the Four Kings, the Bed of Chaos, and Gravelord Nito, and then offer them to the Lordvessel.
However, in the Abyss if the player has not placed the Lordvessel on the altar at that point then he/she can instead meet Darkstalker Kaathe, a different Primordial Serpent who opposes Frampt. After informing the player that he/she is a direct descendent of the pygmy, who obtained The Dark Soul, Kaathe will present the protagonist with a different path: to end the Age of Fire and "usher in the Age of Dark". Kaathe stated that Gwyn had wished to "avoid the course of nature" and prolonged the Age of Fire and in doing so branded undead with the Darksign which only caused suffering. The Age of Dark will erase this curse.
After offering the four Lord Souls to the Lordvessel, with the help of either Frampt or Kaathe, the character must go on to defeat Gwyn, the Lord of Cinder. Once the character has slain him, the player is given a vague choice which affects the ending. By choosing to link the fire, the character continues the Age of Fire and is consumed entirely by the fire as it burns intensely bright. The screen then goes white, before fading to dark as the credits roll. By choosing not to link the fire, the protagonist instead walks out of the area and is greeted by Primordial Serpents who bow down to the character, accepting him/her as the Dark Lord and the Age of Dark (Humans) begin.wikipedia
what also makes the game so awesome is comparing your version of the story to other players' versions. I debated on gamefaqs with many people on my meaning of demon's souls, but unfortunately I haven't had as much time to sink into dark souls.
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