RIGHT now it cost a lot to make a big budget game, if the game flops even though it get critical acclaim, money is lost people get laid off and Game Studios close. This effect not only the developer, and publisher, but other games that are going to come out as INVESTORS do not want to take a risk on such endeavors. Thus, well know games that carry less risk will get more capital investment, and publisher approval. IN THE END its all about making the investors, and Publishers a PROFIT.
Going forward IF games are to use more assets such as: Voice acting, better graphics, body capturing, AI, Physics, Writing, level design,... ETC then Like movie budgets the cost will increase. How will such increases be paid for?
Right now there are more ways to buy a game used than ever before and MORE easily than before. Gamestop has made Billions over the years and now Bestbuy, Target are getting in on the used game market, and Cregslist, Amazon and Ebay as well as other used game sites sale used games. Gamefly is starting to increase in is base. In the end Used games are being sold and resold at a volume that was UNTHINKABLE previously.
The games market has shifted as more ways to play games have started to catch on. Ipad, smartphones... are starting to take off selling billions of pieces of content. In addition casual games have started to sale more than HC games and so a shift in focus is accordanly.
SO what is going to happen? How will games evolve is there is not enough money in the industry given all the pressures to make a profit.
Now on the bright side IF developers are able to make their profits from used game sales almost as much as they do with new sales, I HOPE THAT publishers, will have the stomach to innovate with more Hardcore RPG, Action, and stratagy games, along with some NEW IP that is different.
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