Halo 3, Bioshock, Super Paper Mario, and Heavenly Sword.
I gave them all 8.0 so far. 8.0 IS great. But I want amazing. Halo 3 = weak graphics and been there done that. Essentially the same as Halo 2, nothing really new to the formula.
Bioshock = generic FPS with high production values with almost none of the "deep moral choices" so highly touted.
Super Paper Mario was possibly the easiest game I've played in a long time and lacked the charm that its two predecessors did, the graphics were almost literally a copy and paste from The Thousand Year Door and you could basically have played the game with a NES controller, not the Wiimote. Not to mention the plethora of fetch missions and the part of the game where you literally have to hold right on the control pad for 15 minutes where Mario runs in a hampster cage to earn money... yes, seriously. Watch Zeropunctuation's review of this game. He's spot on.
Heavenly Sword = WAY TOO SHORT and some aggrivating boss battles. Also very linear. Again, like Bioshock, some amazing graphics and production values, but no real longevity.
Those are my choices.
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