@kinectthedots said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
@kinectthedots said:
@groowagon said:
@kinectthedots said:
@groowagon said:
graphics alone can't carry a game that far. not seeing a huge deal of improvements in gameplay that would make me excited for this, after playing the previus ones. but yeah, the action sure looks nice.
You haven't played the game either lol. Infamous gameplay has even been stated by the devs to be different the previous games.
Question, Did you by chance buy a xbox one instead of a PS4?
i don't have either of the new consoles, and will not have for a long time. if i see some industry-revolutionizing exclusive, i'll buy one of them, but PS4 is looking better to me from a pure hardware perspective.
did i even hint that i had played it? i don't know what you are talking about. i'm pulling that number based on what i've seen, read and heard about that game, and in my opinion, it's not promising a whole lot of depth in gameplay. ofcourse devs are praising their own game... but they are doing a poor job selling this game to me, if there is more in to it that i've seen.
Ok, not every game is for everyone. If this doesn't look good to you then maybe this isn't your type of game. Gameplay wise it looks fantastic to me, honestly I'd ask for you to point out an open world super hero game that looks better (gameplay wise) and I think you'd probably find that order difficult to fill.
I am hard on games with my own opinion but thinking that a game needs to be "some industry-revolutionizing exclusive" for you to buy it seems far fetched and never come about. Like I said tho, it might not be your type of game and you are entitled to your opinion. Hope you find a game that meets your standards before this gen is over, happy gaming.
Now if you would say what you have stated with Titanfall. Not every game is for everyone.
Instead, you bash Titanfall having never even played it, and bash other people for hyping the game up, when you yourself are hyping Infamous up. Hypocrite.
Also, don't deny you are a cow. Because you are. You might say I'm a lem, but how can that be seeing that I'm buying a PS4 over an Xbox One next month? It's just that cows have got to be the worst hypocrites in the gaming scene.
As for the rating Infamous : Second Son will get, I'm going to give it an 8.
Except I didn't idiot.
I also have said in the past that Titanfall looks fun but is not for me. You are totally off and talking out of your ass making the accusations you are right now. You must have me confused with another poster, so take your little desperate attempt to say something slick with your post and shove it up your ass because it fails.
I said it must not be fun since fanboys who were hyping it aren't playing it but instead coming into Infamous Second Son threads crying and butthurting. This is consistent with all Infamous related threads including this one.
Then what is this post about?
Let me explaing the difference between my hype for Infamous Second son and most lems hype for titanfall. PS4 was validated by Infamous Second son and convinced me I need the console to play this game now instead of later, on the flip side lems were hoping Titanfall validated their xbox one purchase in retrospect and hyped and purchased it in hopes that it made them feel better about the console they bought off of fanboyism and hype alone.
How can you make such an assumption? You are saying here that Xbox fans only bought the Xbox One out of hype and fanboyism alone, with the hopes of Titanfall validating their Xbox One purchase. By saying this, you are bashing the game and the people who bought an Xbox One.
Older post from you:( here you agreed with another poster who was bashing Titanfall)
Titanfall is as fun as playing TF2 with a room full of bots. The manufactured hype and rampant bribery doesn't change the fact that MS and EA are crying about poor sales.
Hahaha so true.
So you didn't bash Titanfall?
Another post from you:
It's actually funny that ALL of them are here on GS at the same time instead playing the game they have hyped to the heavens, shit this game must be worse than I thought for ALL these guys to be trolling the forums for entertainment instead of playing their savior game that JUST came out.
Your posts just confirm the hypocrisy that Sony cows suffer from.
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