they need more stuff to do
you should have dance contests
you should be able to draw stuff on your clothes
you should be able to make your own unique dance steps
you should be able to design your own hair cut
you should be able to have any kind of pet...
you should be able to play frisbee, hide and go seek, dodge ball
you should be able to play music not just through blu tooth at yoour house or club youown
you should be able to whatch blu ray movies and real movies at movie theatre
you should have more arcade games
you should have more clothes to choose from
you should have virtual food and drinks
you should be drunk when having too much drinks
you should have a beach to make sandcastles
you should be able to go swimming and back flips and twirls in pool or ocean
you should be able to go fishing
you should be able to visit real world environments to meet people
you should be able to hold a girls hand
you should be able to kiss a girl
you should be able to put your hand on a girls leg
you should be able toice skate
you should be able to roller skate
you should be able to dotricks while ice skating and roller skating
you should be able to design your own tricks for iceskating and roller skating
you should be able to karaoke
you should be able back flip
you should be able to do almost anything as long as its not annoying
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