Come E3 and Sega announces the unthinkable..... DC 2.
Although that wont happen.
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I would say. Where's Powerstone? Won't buy one til I see some more Powerstone.waynehead895Agreed, Powerstone was awesome.
id say wooow another console to play multiplats on, theirs no way sega could compete for exclusives again MS and sony. EA would have to make all their game exculsive for it which their would be absolutely zero chance off.
so all you left with is sega 1st party, which if we are being honest. Sega havn't put out a system seller in 15 years.
The DC is my favourite console of all time, with that said, i dont think i would want SEGA to make another console.
It would be a case of
I miss 4 Player battles of Virtua Tennis, brawling on Power Stone, and especially sniping on MDK2. I'd buy one. Is it safe to assume most SEGA fans went the 360 route or the PS route? I went 360 because most my friends had one.
Where the hell would the money come from? Doesn't SEGA spend all their money on Pot for Team Sonic and the cost of cleaning out their cages?BoloTheGreatFurther more who would buy this sonic and pot fueled behemoth?
[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"]Dreamcast 2 would be the new Playstation 3.SragentThom
In what way or form.
Too expensive.I've always been a big fan of Sega. Since Sega Master System, it was the platform of choice for me. My friends had Nintendos' but I wanted something different and ever since then I was hooked. Genesis,32X, Saturn, and then Dreamcast, so I guess I was a Sega "Fanboy". I would buy a Dreamcast 2 for sure. I think the Dreamcast suffered a early death, but had tons of potential. Heck, I still play my Dreamcast every once in a while. Games like Resident Evil Code Veronica, Crazy Taxi, Marvel vs Capcom 1 & 2, and Power Stone reallyhold up well to this day. So yes, I would buy a Dreamcast 2 for sure, even if it only had a game library of 20.
I would say that Sega is making a very bad decision. no_handlebarsYep, it probably flop even harder than the first one.
I would say that Sega is making a very bad decision. no_handlebarsTrue, I think that would be the final nail.
The Dreamcast is one of the most incredible systems ever made, but if Sega made another console, it would probably suck. They don't make many good games any more and they would need a lot of support.
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