Everybody keeps bashing Nintendo for rehashing all of their franchises, but Microsoft and to a lesser extent Sony and all third party developers are no better.
Sure we get the occasional new great IP. Assassin's Creed, LBP, Red Dead Redemption (I don't count Revolver towards it.) Those are all amazing (at least ACII is). Some promising games in the future such as Bulletstorm are looking cool. And yet, its just another FPS.Most of our quality gaming experiences are coming from rehashes of old franchises. Kojima recently announced his "taboo" project might be MGS5.
With his talent, what exactly is keeping him from making another franchise that will one day be as treasured as MGS?
Ubisoft just announced the revival of Rayman. What is keeping Ubisoft from making another mascot thats just as likable as Rayman? TheRabbids were awesome, but they quickly overplayed them. We're getting the sixth Halo game this year, but why can't Microsoft find someone to make something new that will be as impactful as Halo when that first launched? Kirby's Epic Yarn was announced at E3, it looks amazing. But, it looks absolutely nothing like any Kirby game before, so why bother throwing the Kirby label on it? They could've used the opportunity to create a new character.
Its comforting to hear Miyamoto is making another new character centric franchise. Nintendo usually inspires everyone else in the industry, for the better or worse.
In order to progress as a species Humanity must bring forth new ideas and not keep relying on old ones, even something as trivial as a game franchise. I'm hoping the 2010s will be similar to the 1990s in that a lot of new ideas and franchises are introduced.
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