Other than SSBB though..that was supposed to be an 07 title...got delayed >.>. 07 for the wii wasn't good. It had a few high points like Zelda, SPM, and the upncoming mario galaxy...but they were few and far between, and my wii was very starved for many months.
But the hullaballoo craze of wii 07 is over...what is there to look forward to in 08? Best I can think of is ssbb but I dont like to count that since it got delayed and they officially ANNOUNCED AT E3 that it was supposed to be Dec 3.
Next?...hmm batallion wars maybe?
Help me out.
Btw I'm talking about a game that isn't likea minigame compilation..so don't come here flaming me saying how warioware scored AAA >.>
I can make it even harder xD a very promising game for the wii in 08 that...itn's a minigame mess AND...isn't made by nintendo lawl.
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