So a system having the most/best rated exclusives is what wins here right.
Yeah, yeah 360 doesn't have much on the horizon right now for exclusives that's what is being spouted around SW right now. But the 360 doesn't need the exclusives it's a cheap system that playes everything the PS3 has except for the exclusives which only 4 of those are any good.
In '09 games the 360 has or will have are Steet Fighter 4, RE5, Modern Warfare 2, Madden 2010, Halo Wars, Halo 3:ODST. All but 2 are exclusive but all can be enjoyed for $199 so I don't really see how 360 is losing '09, and exclusive game that comes out for 360 that we do not know about yet is just more icing on the cake.
How many exclusives does a system need to have a year to be any decent anyway 360 has/had
Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Race Pro,Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad, Ninja Blade, Halo Wars, Halo 3:ODST and poss Forza 3
also listed for 360 are Demons of Mercy, andDogtag so thats 9 seems alright to me even though some are garbage but not everything can be a gem.
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