@kadin_kai said:
@subspecies: I have not seen that either.
What is your top ten best? I think the 1970’s horror films are my favourites, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Amytiville .... the old classics.
Another horror film just popped into my head, have you seen: French film, Matrys or Haute Tension?
Thai horrors?
Martyrs is pretty good. Not for the squeamish, for sure. I liked that flick. Just vague enough to maintain intrigue. Thai horror really isn't my thing. As for Haute/High Tension, I've never watched it (no, lol, I've not actually watched every horror film in existence, just a crap-ton of them). That being said, you've reminded me that I've been meaning to watch that flick for years. Maybe I'll stream it this weekend. :)
Anyway, even the thought of creating a top ten horror list makes my head spin. I'm so indecisive when it comes to lists. I'd probably lose my mind trying, so I'll just throw out ten that I reeeeeally like.
Rosemary's Baby
Suspiria (original)
Jacob's Ladder
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3
The House of the Devil
The Love Witch
Carnival of Souls (original)
...just looking at that list makes so many others pop up (The Changeling...Repulsion...Halloween...Don't Look Now...The Descent...Hellraiser...Near Dark...The Beyond...The Void...Audition...Pulse...ahhhhhhhhhh--) Some might say that some of those mentioned stray from horror, but whatever. As for eras, I love all of them, but yeah, the 70s were great. Movies like Suspiria can't be touched. Of course, I'm an 80s freak sooooo, yeah. ;)
And oh yeah, going back a bit in the conversation, I'll throw in two movies that "got to me". I didn't stop watching them or anything, but I can say they bothered me thoroughly. Probably more a personal experience thing than anything else, but here ya go:
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