There's a thread on the worst argument against or in favor of a certain system, but that thread seems to focus on the absurd arguments. So I wanted to make a thread on the worst arguments that a lot of people take seriously. So these arguments will not necessarily be the worst as the worst arguments are the ones that not a single person but the most rabid of cheerleaders take seriously, but they should be extremely flawed nonetheless.
Anyway, I think the worst argument that many people take seriously is that the "PS3 is futureproof." In the context of console hardware, future proofing is a pretty ridiculous concept. Yes, there are certain parts of the system that could be seen as having an eye to the future (such as the storage medium), but these features are only relevant to the future in that they might carry over into other gens, which does not make the PS3 futureproof. The PS3 will become outdated like any other console because the core technology will become outdated. Actually, it could be argued that the tech is ALL READY outdated.
In short, PS3 fanboys that tout this talking point can name all the features they want, but that will not make the tech in the PS3 any younger. It will go through all the cycles of life that consoles usually do.
PC comes closer to being future proof than a PS3, but even it is by no means future proof.
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