well i have alot in mind
some even pwn cows ,,
heres one
ok say last gen , sony had least powerful console , nobody said oh its graphic suck , bla bla but nintendo uses that tactic this gen
they are all over them , shaking fists=this would fit with your lame graphics poll
another one, -reliability , you know darn right ps2 had problems another think picked up buy not nintendo but ms , ,
and people are all over it
another one i hate especally -
this starte in the n64 era-oh the games are kiddy -they refer to goldeneye perfect dark turok etc etc, ,
how in the world are these kiddy, when they make up for about 65 percent of n64 libray-shooters and fighters do ,
and lets just say i hate this excuse ,, cause this one isnt even relivant any more-no online play bla bla bla
a game can still be fun without online ,,
just cause others add online play , doesnt mean this should be enforced ,
and then theres these sales excuses , -how can you even justify these excuses , why a system sells bla bla bla
itsj ust lame , they complain when their system does not sell , but when it does they still gotta run their mouth ,.
hate fanboyism always will ,the worst fanboys are those of sony consoles,
-cows, you know em they are the same people who said wii would be a fad ,,
4 yrs later sony copied them and they jump for joy , , , so evidentally , wii was revolutionary, hahaha , thats the only part i like is hwen they get their foots in their mouths , but at the same time they praise sony for it ,
but hate nintendo for it ,
haha its not nintendos faul t sonys slow to adapt to innovation ,
and i dont call changing medium (carts to cd cd to dvd dvd to bluray etc) revolutinary as they serve the same purpose ,
there is nothing different except how much it can hold!
that is like saying a plane is better then a car just because it can fly ,
there are draw backs to everything on this earth , ,
so obviously that will be my main pick -being mad because one does somthing then being happy when some one copies it ,
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