[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="Blackbond"] Scenario #1
I buy the 360 version and the DLC is good. So I download it. *I win*
I buy the 360 version and the DLC is bad. So I don't download it. *I win*
Scenario #2
I buy the PS3 version and the 360's Exclusive DLC is good. I can't get it *I lose*
I buy the PS3 version and the 360's Exclusive DLC is bad. *Good to know I'm not missing out*
If you won both systems I really have no idea why you would not buy the 360 version and granted I don't even like GTA. But if someone were to tell me that KOFXII was getting Exclusive DLC on PS3 and not on 360. DLC that had more characters ect well then duh its a no brainer that I'd obvoiusly get the PS3 version. You guys need to start being fans of the game instead of the system.
Now granted that there is nothing wrong if you are buying the PS3 version but come on people. Claiming that the DLC isn't going to be good is claiming that the game itself won't be good. R* is developing them both. If you don't have confidence in the exclusive DLC you might as welll not have confidence in the game itself.
The problem is not that people are claiming the DLC will not be good. The problem is MS fans are claiming the 360 to be the true version because it has the "amazing" DLC. Yet the truth is we have no clue what the DLC will contain or how much it will cost, rumors are claiming 15 dollars. So for 90 dollars you get the "true" GTA.
I have played many games that had DLC and enjoyed them immensly without purchasing the DLC. The truth is most people who buy GTA dont even beat the game 100%. They mostly play as far as they can stay interested then get the cheat codes to have all the weapons and create havock till they get chased by tanks. And to top it off, GTA will have multiplayer which will pull even more gamers away from the single player mode.
DLC is great to have if you like that sort of thing but its nothing to brag about, it comes out 4-6 months later after most people have moved on to a new game like MGS4 or whatever and it could cost you almost as much as GT: P.
When one version has exclusive content and the other doesn't you really only need to put two and two together. Or do we need to put two and $50 million together. Most people won't beat GTA 100% just like most people don't beat gaems 100%. But if some GTA is good more is always better. Moving on to another game doesn't matter. This is GTA4. Not GTA4 then another game.
Like when people say who cares about the EDLC we are getting La Norie exclusive. Yeah okay that's cool and all but what does La Noire have to do with my GTA4 game?
Again, my point is the exclusive content is blown out of proportion. Its not free, its not launching with the game, and most GTA gamers will care more about getting chased by tanks or playing the multiplayer then spending another 30 dollars or so for extra missions, especially if they havnt finished all their current missions.
I dont care about La Norie, my point is the GTA DLC is made a bigger deal then it is. By the time it comes out only a handfull of the audience will actually still be playing GTA and a smaller handful will actually purchase it. So again for 4-6 months both 360 and PS3 fans will be playing the same game.
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