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What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Yes but most ps3 hyped games aren't. I think forza 2 is one of the few hyped games that isn't, why don't you hype saints row 2 when it's coming or dead rising 2, they are cool
What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
[QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
So your argument is that first, since Ratchet goes to different planets and fights different species, it isn't a game about aliens. Okay.
As for Final Fantasy, well, if the TC is counting games like Gears and Too Human, where the antagonists are non-human (in one case native to the planet and in the other robots), then I'm counting FF.
For Resistance, see previous answer.
So, I'm glad you can attack me while supporting the TC, who made the exact same argument. Thanks for proving to me you've never played any of those games.
Gears, halo, mass effect too human, i'm assuming lost odyssey. It's biggest hyped games are all to do with aliens, yea sure you have a few other good games, forza 2 but why with aliens and sci fi. Most of 360's great games are multiplats and you keep telling yourselves your gonna get mgs4 and FF at some point.Paddy345
mgs has weird alien stuff as well. and ff is the king of alien games...
[QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
you actually think that's ownage of magical_zebra? wow that is sad...
[QUOTE="Paddy345"]Gears, halo, mass effect too human, i'm assuming lost odyssey. It's biggest hyped games are all to do with aliens, yea sure you have a few other good games, forza 2 but why with aliens and sci fi. Most of 360's great games are multiplats and you keep telling yourselves your gonna get mgs4 and FF at some point.jlh47
mgs has weird alien stuff as well. and ff is the king of alien games...
There haven't been aliens in the MGS series... Romanian bloodsuckers, Psychics, electro-magnetic shields, possessed arms, and cyborg ninja, yes, but no aliens :P
[QUOTE="jlh47"][QUOTE="Paddy345"]Gears, halo, mass effect too human, i'm assuming lost odyssey. It's biggest hyped games are all to do with aliens, yea sure you have a few other good games, forza 2 but why with aliens and sci fi. Most of 360's great games are multiplats and you keep telling yourselves your gonna get mgs4 and FF at some point.Lab392
mgs has weird alien stuff as well. and ff is the king of alien games...
There haven't been aliens in the MGS series... Romanian bloodsuckers, Psychics, electro-magnetic shields, possessed arms, and cyborg ninja, yes, but no aliens :P
1.a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen). 2.a foreigner. 3.a person who has been estranged or excluded. 4.a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial. -adjective 5.residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there. 6.belonging or relating to aliens: alien property. 7.unlike one's own; strange; not belonging to one: alien speech. 8.adverse; hostile; opposed (usually fol. by to or from): ideas alien to modern thinking. 9.extraterrestrial.
yes there are aliens in mgs and in ff. hah!
Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions HarlockJC
Yeah when that happened the 360 owners will be ready, the others will become fertilizer for the alien plants.
EDIT: also with Gears the enemy there aren't aliens (they came from inside the planet), for Too Human and LO, I don't think they deal with aliens.
[QUOTE="jlh47"]good point lol.[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions legend26
what's your plan for zombie attacks?
thtas what we got resident evil for.And Dead Rising[QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
Uh.... what? In Gears of War, the Locust are in the ground. Not aliens I guess, eh? Too Human has robots, not aliens. Lost Odyssy has Aliens? Okay? Going by that logic so does FFXIII. Mass Effect you go to other planets like in R&C so it's not aliens too :roll:
See, I can do it too.
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
Uh.... what? In Gears of War, the Locust are in the ground. Not aliens I guess, eh? Too Human has robots, not aliens. Lost Odyssy has Aliens? Okay? Going by that logic so does FFXIII. Mass Effect you go to other planets like in R&C so it's not aliens too :roll:
See, I can do it too.
When did i say killing aliens are a bad thing i'm just asking why are most of the hyped games on 360 alien or sci fi related, have we had enough of killing nazis?
[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="jlh47"]good point lol.[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions Snowboarder99
what's your plan for zombie attacks?
thtas what we got resident evil for.And Dead Risingand for using teamwork against aliens to get out of the city left 4 dead.
[QUOTE="Snowboarder99"][QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="jlh47"]good point lol.[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions jlh47
what's your plan for zombie attacks?
thtas what we got resident evil for.And Dead Risingand for using teamwork against aliens to get out of the city left 4 dead.
the 360 is essential to have now. horror survivalist handbook.
good point lol.[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions jlh47
what's your plan for zombie attacks?
Go to a mall, dress in drag, fall in love with a hot native american, and use pottery to survive the onslaught. Thanks to Capcom, I will be able to survive it.
[QUOTE="jlh47"]good point lol.[QUOTE="legend26"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"]Well at least we are all training for any alien invasions Grive
what's your plan for zombie attacks?
Go to a mall, dress in drag, fall in love with a hot native american, and use pottery to survive the onslaught. Thanks to Capcom, I will be able to survive it.
just another day in the 360. dead rising did have the best ending ever. so and so just died, you will never be able to find out what really happened... would you like to continue playing?
there needs to be a game where you're an alien invading earth
you've already got left 4 dead where you can play as a zombie, now just need an alien game (that's not a alien(TM) game)
Too Human? Gears of War?
Gears doesn't have any aliens I am pretty sure of that, Locust came from the ground on a planet called "Sera".
And more to the point, aliens represent a paranoia that people have (mainly in america) of their stable, complacent lives being disruptd somehow. Shooting the bejebus out of aliens helps these inbreds cope with their zenaphobeia and gives us gamers something to do. Aliens are an institution of gaming and have been with us since Atari.
there needs to be a game where you're an alien invading earth
you've already got left 4 dead where you can play as a zombie, now just need an alien game (that's not a alien(TM) game)
Destroy All Humans is an alright game.
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
So your argument is that first, since Ratchet goes to different planets and fights different species, it isn't a game about aliens. Okay.
As for Final Fantasy, well, if the TC is counting games like Gears and Too Human, where the antagonists are non-human (in one case native to the planet and in the other robots), then I'm counting FF.
For Resistance, see previous answer.
So, I'm glad you can attack me while supporting the TC, who made the exact same argument. Thanks for proving to me you've never played any of those games.
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="SpaceMatt"]What about games like Ratchet, FF, Resistance, etc. for the PS 3?
Anybody can pick and choose games to make stereotypes
Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". In R:FOM it is never clear whether the chimera are aliens or some sort of genetic strain created by the cloven or some other shady government organization. It doesn't ever say they are from a different planet, they are just a mutation caused by a virus.
Final Fantasy?!? Where did you get aliens in Final Fantasy?
Sure, "anyone can pick and choose games to make stereotypes", but yours don't bear the slightest resemblance to truth. Thanks for proving that you have never played any of those games.
Uh.... what? In Gears of War, the Locust are in the ground. Not aliens I guess, eh? Too Human has robots, not aliens. Lost Odyssy has Aliens? Okay? Going by that logic so does FFXIII. Mass Effect you go to other planets like in R&C so it's not aliens too :roll:
See, I can do it too.
Uh, what? Where did you geniuses get the idea that I agreed with him? I was defending the PS3 games he chose to arbitrarily label as alien games, it doesn't mean I agree with the games listed as 360 alien games. Defensive much?
you actually think that's ownage of magical_zebra? wow that is sad...
Let's see... he always claims to be an impartial gamer, not a fanboy, yet he got caught rating a game he has never played a 1/10, claimed he "didn't remember" doing it, then tried to change the subject and backpedal. That is about as owned as ownage gets. The only thing sad is that you don't see it. Must be his alt account :lol:
[QUOTE="excelR83"]Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". JiveT
I made this weird shrieking laugh sound when I read this line. What a ridiculous argument. lmao
Yeah it's ridiculous. :roll: He fights fish, mechanical pirates, dinosaurs, etc. It is not a "game where you fight aliens". That's a stupid way to define it. You can define an alien as anything from a different planet, but the "alien" games we're talking about here are aliens invading earth and marines having to defend earth from it.
Do people from Alderaan call Corellians "aliens"? Psh.
Keep making shrieking noises, it's oddly fitting.
[QUOTE="JiveT"][QUOTE="excelR83"]Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". excelR83
I made this weird shrieking laugh sound when I read this line. What a ridiculous argument. lmao
Yeah it's ridiculous. :roll: He fights fish, mechanical pirates, dinosaurs, etc. It is not a "game where you fight aliens". That's a stupid way to define it. You can define an alien as anything from a different planet, but the "alien" games we're talking about here are aliens invading earth and marines having to defend earth from it.
Do people from Alderaan call Corellians "aliens"? Psh.
Keep making shrieking noises, it's oddly fitting.
He fights aliens. Stop making up these stupid narrow definitions of what qualifies as an alien in your book. Ratchet himself is a Lombax. Which is AN ALIEN. He fightsOTHER ALIENS.
Your original argument failed so now you are throwing a fit. Your claim that R:FOM isn't about aliens either is even more ridiculous. Thanks for the laughs chummy,
In the future...any sentient life form that isn't human or designed by alien. The TC mentions Mass Effect as well. In your book I guess there are no aliens in that game either. :?
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="JiveT"][QUOTE="excelR83"]Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". JiveT
I made this weird shrieking laugh sound when I read this line. What a ridiculous argument. lmao
Yeah it's ridiculous. :roll: He fights fish, mechanical pirates, dinosaurs, etc. It is not a "game where you fight aliens". That's a stupid way to define it. You can define an alien as anything from a different planet, but the "alien" games we're talking about here are aliens invading earth and marines having to defend earth from it.
Do people from Alderaan call Corellians "aliens"? Psh.
Keep making shrieking noises, it's oddly fitting.
He fights aliens. Stop making up these stupid narrow definitions of what qualifies as an alien in your book. Ratchet himself is a Lombax. Which is AN ALIEN. He fightsOTHER ALIENS.
Your original argument failed so now you are throwing a fit. Your claim that R:FOM isn't about aliens either is even more ridiculous. Thanks for the laughs chummy,
In the future...any sentient life form that isn't human or designed by alien. The TC mentions Mass Effect as well. In your book I guess there are no aliens in that game either. :?
Actually, Ratchet is an alien technically seeing as he is foreign to these worlds. fission mailed?
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="JiveT"][QUOTE="excelR83"]Ratchet goes to different planets to fight all kinds of creatures, they aren't "aliens". JiveT
I made this weird shrieking laugh sound when I read this line. What a ridiculous argument. lmao
Yeah it's ridiculous. :roll: He fights fish, mechanical pirates, dinosaurs, etc. It is not a "game where you fight aliens". That's a stupid way to define it. You can define an alien as anything from a different planet, but the "alien" games we're talking about here are aliens invading earth and marines having to defend earth from it.
Do people from Alderaan call Corellians "aliens"? Psh.
Keep making shrieking noises, it's oddly fitting.
He fights aliens. Stop making up these stupid narrow definitions of what qualifies as an alien in your book. Ratchet himself is a Lombax. Which is AN ALIEN. He fightsOTHER ALIENS.
Your original argument failed so now you are throwing a fit. Your claim that R:FOM isn't about aliens either is even more ridiculous. Thanks for the laughs chummy,
In the future...any sentient life form that isn't human or designed by alien. The TC mentions Mass Effect as well. In your book I guess there are no aliens in that game either. :?
Ratchet is set in an entirely different universe. You are the one narrowly defining aliens as "anything from a different planet", when what is being discussed here is clearly ALIENS INVADING EARTH. Not some total fantasy setting in a different galaxy where nothing even resembles a human. The TC is basically asking "why are 360 games all Starship Troopers 2.0".
You can take the dictionary definition of an "alien" to make some point on paper, but it's obviously not what we're talking about here.
Its hilarious how stubborn you can be while defending your stupid system.
Like I said, Alderaan and Corellia. Are Han Solo and Leia Organa an interspecies marriage? :S
Yes, that's right, Han Solo ****s aliens.
What a stupid thread, I can't believe I'm a part of this.
Ratchet is set in an entirely different universe. excelR83
I think your going to find most video games are....
You are the one narrowly defining aliens as "anything from a different planet", when what is being discussed here is clearly ALIENS INVADING EARTH.excelR83
Umm, hi, where does the TC say that? Where does ANYONE bring that up besides you? The TC only said aliens and sci-fi, and it was pretty clear from the context he meant in terms of fictional characters not games where their invading Earth (again, a distinction in this thread used by no one but you).
Ratchet IS about aliens, while they may not be alien to each other, they are to us, which is what is up for discussion. If it's only aliens invading Earth then most of the 360 games being discussed are thrown out except Halo.
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