As a 360 owner I'm sorry to say this but the glut of shooters does indeed bother me. I don't like them, I tried to make myself like them but I'm just so much more of a 3rd person action-adventure and rpg type of guy. I know there are some solid action-adventures and rpgs on the 360 but not of the same quality as the shooters.
I mean 9 of the top 16 rated 360 games on gamespot are shooters! They are Gears of War, Halo 3, GRAW, GRAW 2, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bioshock, and Perfect Dark Zero. Of the remaining 7 games, 3 of them are racing games (Forza 2, PGR 3, and Burnout Revenge), and the last 4 are Guitar Hero 2, Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4, & Command & Conquer 3 (only Dead or ALive 4 is exlusive). The 360 has more then just shooters but you are either dumb or in denial if you don't think the 360 is a shooter-centric platform.
Honestly, I'm at the point that where I think I'm going to trade in my 360, and 360 games for the new $399 PS3. I know some would think that's crazy but to someone who doesn't like shooters, the PS3 library is just as good, if not better. Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted are more to my liking, not to mention that Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII are coming next year and I happen to be a big fan fo both series. The only thing holding me back is Mass Effect which looks awesome, but that is literally the only game that I'm truly excited for on my 360. Heck, the Wii which gets constantly blasted for it's games has a lot more games that I'm excited about coming out soon like Mario Galaxy, Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, Fire Emblem, and Trauma Center: New Blood.
Again, I'm not dissing the 360, if shooters were even in my top 3 of favorite genre's then it would be the system for me but they aren't.
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