I don't want stupid fanboy banter in here, I'm honestly wondering what people have against it. I rented the game out twice now, plan on renting it a third time to finish it off, and then maybe again for some multiplayer which I havn tried yet. If you want you can stop reading here, otherwise continue for my rant :P
I'm at the very last level, so I have played through it alot. First thing is the graphics, why did everyone say they sucked? All the reviewers attacked the graphics, and yet it still remains one of the BEST looking Wii game. The duel in the rain at the end of one of the levels looked brilliant. The game looks great, and I just don't see why everyone was complaining about it, it was a launch title and really showed how much better a Wii game can look compared to a GC game.
The next issue is the controls, I think alot of people were simply spoilt and had imagined amazing FPS mouse-like controls, that can be forgiven. But I don't see how reviewers let thier assumptions on the Wii controls get in the way of a proper review. I played the game for about 5min before I was cumfortable with the controls, after that it took about 20min to fully master them and be perfectly comfortable. I never once had enemies sneaking up on me and shooting me in the back. I don't even know why people complained about the slow turning. In real life, would you just walk into the middle of a room full of guys wielding guns and then stand there while you get surrounded? Cause if you wouldn't in real life, why would you in this game? When I played, I made sure to enter new rooms slowly and kill people BEFORE they got behind me, no problem at all. In the off chance someone did get behind me, it took a second to spin around and shoot him in the head, same as a gamepad, except as soon as I could see him, I could take him down without the trouble of dual analog aiming. Honestly I don't understand how people could complain about that.
The game also had a fair bit of depth, the time stop skill was brialliant and fun to pull off, so was balancing your time stop meter. The lead NPC's you could shoot to make everyone else surrender was also a nice feature, add the motion controls for things like opening doors, and it all felt nice and fresh. I enjoyed this game sooo much more then CoD3 on Wii, which just kind of seemed.. ordinary. I played CoD3 after I had tried Red Steel, and yeah, just didn't find it as fun on Wii and it definetly didn't look as good.
Lastly the sword fighting, why did I hear so much about how awful and hard it was? After the first 2 or 3 training fights, sword fighting was easy, and had a fair bit of depth to it as well. It was also fun after the shooting segments to stand up off your couch and kick some ass melee style. Again, everyone was hoping for 1:1 controls, no fault of the developer, nobody got those controls, so everyone, including reviewers, who are meant to act PROFESSIONALLY and not fanboyish, decided to complain about it. Thats like me ****ing cause mario galaxy won't let me control each arm seperatly with nunchuck and remote, well no duh, it isn't meant to either.
Oh and lastly, when u finally get to the highest level and learn all your skills, the game again gets a refreshing new change when you realise there's no longer a reason to not kill everyone, thats when you go all rambo on everyone and the game picks up imensly for the last few levels as you race around slaughtering everyone :P
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