-Pay to win games
-Unskippable cutscenes
-Long tutorials that cannot be skipped. Give me an option to choose if I want to go through the tutorial or not and give me an option to return to the tutorial later if I decide to skip it but later want to go through it.
-The overuse of the futuristic setting in FPS the last few years. Can we have some variety, please? What I'm about to say would have been a crazy thing to say a decade ago, but at this point, a new FPS set in WW2 would be a welcomed breath of fresh air.
-Racing games where they force me to drive to the starting line of a race instead of just letting me quickly select the race I want from a menu. It feels like commuting to work.
-Controls that can't be customized. I don't understand why this is not a standard feature in every game. I don't think it would be very difficult for developers to give us a button remapping option.
-Wii games that forced waggle controls where they were not needed. I think so many otherwise great Wii games were ruined because of this (I'm especially looking at you Donkey Kong Country Returns).
-When developers pad games with tedious filler just to make them longer. I'd much rather play a shorter game that stays fun throughout the entire game than have a longer game where parts of the game are obviously just filler and feel like a chore to play through.
-Digital-only games. I will always prefer physical copies of games, so it annoys me when I can't buy physical copies of games that I enjoy.
-Multiplayer games that cannot be played online. There is no excuse for this in this day and age.
-Online-only multiplayer games that would also work offline, but developers don't offer a local multiplayer option. It doesn't have to be one or the other, let us play multiplayer games both online and locally.
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