A harcore gamer in my opinion:
- Plays X amount of game/s X times a week/month/year.
- Reads game magazine/s X and visits game site/s X sometimes.
- Maybe knows X amount about the past, present and future of the games industry in general.
- Maybe knows X about older game/s, current game/s and future game/s.
- Is willing to argue about which console/s and game/s they think are the best because a little part of them is a fanboy/girl; even those gamers who actually own all the various consoles and play lots of different games in multiple genres.
- Should have tried at least a few of the most popular and respected videogames just so they can't be called a "casual" gamer.
- Loves games (but not in a gay way).
I would say there are actually 3 definitions that make more sense:
1. Gamers. No, not your mum or great grandad or that girl across the road who once played Tetris or because they have tried Wii Sports recently!
2. People who have played a game or games at some time. A mate who once played Super Mario World for a few minutes because his brother used to own a Super Nintendo. Maybe he even challenges you to a multiplayer game of Halo 2 on occasion.
3. People.
What do you think?
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