Halflife: Blueshift - Originally intended for the soon to be defunct Dreamcast, Gearbox's exclusive content became a stand alone game.
By modern standards this would be considered good DLC, which shows how far we have dropped.
As a standalone game, it's competent, short but ultimately brings nothing new to the table. The HD packs changes to the aesthetics is also questionable.
Hitman Absolution - Very clearly trying to water Hitman down for the Arkham crowd. The open sandbox nature where the level was a toy exists in a diluted form, much of the game a linear progression through scripted shit, an embarrassingly out of place grind-house story, a weak stealth system, awful QTE's where you fight monster Danny Trejo.
Splinter Cell: Conviction - Same shit as Absolution. We have to make it sexier, faster, more action packed. We must follow the trends. Our audience is stupid.
What you end up with is a competent, but incredibly shallow and repetitive game that rewards the opposite of methodical progression.
Rainbow Six: Vegas - I'm aware Lockdown existed, but this was the game that changed the franchise. Like above, following trends, dumber, faster, flashier casting any and everything that make Rainbow 6 such a unique, exhilarating experience for Xbox children to bang their pads and cheer as they blow up the bad terrorist men and save America.
Final Fantasy 8 - Protagonist is an asshole, most of this elite crew doesn't appear to have made it past 12 mentally, combat is bad, easy and boring. Story is boring. Can't play for 2 minutes without listening to guff dialogue. One of the worst RPG's I've played, possibly the worst.
Zelda OOT - Enjoyed pretty much every entry way more, especially Phantom Hour Glass.
When you start this game (the greatest game of all time) you'll spend 30% of it running from one end of a big ass empty field to another going hub to hub doing laborious fetch quests combined with gimmicky mini-games and sometimes, sometimes actually getting to do a fucking dungeon.
Street Fighter Alpha - 2/3 make this completely antiquated. Music isn't good compared to SF2, backgrounds very bland.
I mean, objectively speaking Street Fighter is the worst, obviously. But this game post-II, is the weakest imo.
Phantasy Star 2 - Phantasy Star III and Phantasy Star Gaiden are probably the worst.
But, coming off Phantasy Star, which pretty much blew every other 8-bit game RPG out of the water, it's a step back in multiple respects.
Doom 3 - Defend this as still a decent game, and seems to be getting more of a due-thing in VR, almost like it was made for it.
But, it's a weak Doom game with a few problems that pop up on harder difficulty.
Not the worst game ever people like to make out, but stuff like Doom 64 are more of a sequel, albeit not really pushing the bar as this game did.
Fallout 3 - It is literally oblivion with guns. One of the highlights of Fallout was it's writing, here, aside from the Taken guy, be fucked if I can remember a single character or plotline. Can't even remember who or what the end boss was, if it even had one.
Crysis 2 - Dumbed down, incomprehensible story that thinks it's hot serious shit, dumbed down. EA. Crytek ended.
Sonic Lost World - Let's be inspired by Mario Galaxy, without the quality
Skyrim - Bethesda is very much like George Lucas and Clone Wars, they are mediocre, but leave a canvas for people to create better content off of it.
Except here, they attempted to, and did get away with, turning those creations into hundreds of dollars of micro-DLC.
That, and releasing a terrible, fully prices VR version. Which, again, is only good because of modders putting work to make their low effort cash-grab up to snuff.
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