Just like the heading says, what’s the most bizarre gaming behavior you have?
Personally speaking, I can’t really come up with a good one off the top of my head (that’s because there’s nothing normal about you, Ninja.).
If I was to say there is one thing that possibly some may consider as being strange (There you go again, Ninja.) then it would have to be that upon first play-through of a game I have to collect and explore everything that I possibly can on that run.
On that first play-through you would think I was going for something like a platinum/100% completion as it pertains to thing like collectibles and side quests.
I think this is part of the reason why I don’t “gel” well with open world/sandbox games as partaking in this kind of an endeavor usually leads you a few hours later down the road saying “what the heck was I supposed to be doing again?” Very easy to be taken out of the narrative/main story when you are doing irrelevant things to help advance it in any way.
However, onebehavior that still to this day sticks out in my mind as being “odd” was from a friend of mine (Friends, Ninja? Ha! Now we know this story is fake.).
Whenever he finished playing games he would take the disc/cartridge out of the console, put it away in its sleeve then proceed to take the entire console, disconnect it (All those red, yellow, and white AV cables, lol.) and place it back in its original packaging with the plastic as well as all the accessories and controller that it came with.
Essentially any time he wanted to play a game he was opening up his system “for the first time” in a sense. He did this every time I went over to his house and played games with him.
Even though that behavior still seems odd to me today (Ha! Coming from you?) a part of me always admired him for what he was doing. Why? Because unlike me (who would just turn off the console, usually with the disc/cartridge still inside and the controller on the floor.) he seemed to have an actual appreciation for what he had and it was reflected in the way he took care of his consoles.
Either that or it was just some strange OCD type behavior he had, lol.
So Gamespot community, what are some of your “interesting” gaming quirks?
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