Having seen some recent topics about GT5, FM3, and the inevitable debate, I just got to wondering - what type of view do you like to race from? For me seeing my car from behind it disconnects me from the experience and overall sim aspects. The cockpit view should in theory be native to someone who has driven in real experience, but as pretty as they can render the interior framing and dashboard and all the goodies, all that just gets in my way. Unlike with real driving where I can focus my eyes past the windshield to just the road ahead, and switch my focus to the speedometer or other dashboard info, and back again as needed, I can't do that in a racing game. On a flat screen, that interior structure is always present, more often obstructing my view of the track and other cars. Not to mention how it offsets the view perspective.
For me, the bumper view (where you see from a camera that's right at the nose of the car) is the best for the clearest view of the track where that's the main focus of the view point, and my hands at the racing wheel makes the screen feel more like the windshield itself from which I'm viewing the scene through. The hud info of speedometer and rear view mirror floats unobtrusively, along with the mini map, lap count, and race position. Though the windshiled view where you see a bit of the hood also works and gives you a sense of being in a car and still offering a clear view of the track.
But how about some of you out there? Do you like to see the details of the car, or just can't get that immersive feel without the complete interior rendering?
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