I remember the good ol' days when it didn't matter if the System was a Over Lord of Power pumping out visuals where you can see pimples on the faces of characters.
I remember what made a game console good was the Games it had, it's what made the Sega Genesis a good console, The Super Nintendo, The N64 despite being overly inferior to the PS1 has some of the most memorable games of all time, and of course the PS2 while technically inferior to the Xbox and Gamecube it was the Leading Game System of it's time.
Suddenly when usered in with the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii we are now worrying about What the Specs are What's the System's Graphics Card? How Much Ram will this system have? Which is better?
This was only a gradual thing during this era but NOW It's more apparent that it EVER was with the PS4, Xbox ONE and WiiU.
There are Gamers laughing at the WiiU because the Graphics "aren't up to snuff", Dissapointed with the Xbox ONE because it focuses too much on things not related to gaming, and Think the PS4 is the second coming of Christ because Sony showed off Killzone.
It's like all that Today's Gamers care about is if games are going to look like Real life or not, yet some of the best games out there have nothing to do with Graphics or Teraflops or whatever, Some of them are very techinically inferior.
TL;DR SPECS: Not every Game has to be the Next Crysis.
On Used Games, When did this ever become an Issue? Used Games are great! Someone bought a game new because they were curious about it. They played it didn't think it was anything special so they trade the game in. Someone comes in, sees the used game buys it, keeps it forever. So Simple. And that game may not even be in Print anymore so even if bought new the Developer wouldn't see any money from it.
Back in the Day that's how it was done, and in fact it's still being done in this fashion today for Older games. But now we got DRM policies coming from Microsoft on the Xbox One giving out these huge loops and bounds just so they can find out if you're not stealing a game or what not and of course Sony is probably going to do something simlar or at least other Developers will because come on, People Steal. You may not, but there's a lot of that type of stuff going around.
But the Best way to Deal with Priacy is to Not Deal with it at all.
TL;DR USED GAMES:Yes it's a problem, but it's something that just can't be stopped.
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