Not listing handhelds or windows pc gaming purchases, dates are fuzzy at best, and like another poster did, * for currently still owned
atari 2600 - got it when it no longer mattered though i recall the "under $50" rap ad airing on tv
c64 - pops bought it from "crazy eddie's" around 1986 possibly even before the atari, thoroughly enjoyed it and its shitty space harrier port
nes - when Rygar was new
master system - tag sale tantrum, came with 3d glasses, around mario 3 release date (lol i needed to use nintendo game as a mnemonic device for when i got this)
amiga 500 - a few years before shadow of the beast
Snes *- launch day purchase from Child World with the combined allowances of my bro and i with parents covering the rest (our contribution was minor it turns out)
Genesis - a little after sonic debuted and during the blast processing days, loved me some "inferior ports" and phantasy stars
Turbo grafx 16 * - pawn shop purchase with a whole bunch of games (a fairly complete bundle with like 50 carts) for like $120.
3DO - Father purchased and returned it 1 day before return policy from Walden Software, Crash n Burn was kinda cool at the time
Playstation - my 1st console purchase without parental help, me and my bro split the difference on release date then i later bought my "share" from him
N64 - few months after launch
Saturn * - gen was winding down and DC was already announced, bought used very cheap with expansion pack, kicked myself for not giving it a shot earlier, still play dragon force from time to time
Dreamcast *- release date, masterpiece of a console. Sony did Sega dirty announcing ps2 way before launch and during the 1st DC holiday, i worked at toys r us at the time and that announcement killed much of the buzz dc was generating
PS2 * - release date, bought 3 re-sold 2, great system
Xbox - not on release but close enough, loved it, beta tested live and have been a member since
GC - don't even remember when i bought it, got it second hand with that lcd monitor lid (came in handy)
360 * - release date, bought 2 re-sold both, repurchased during GeOW and ps3 launch window
PS3 * - release date, bought 2 re-sold 1.
Wii (lol) * - release date, bought 4 re-sold 4, eventually repurchased after it stopped selling well and pawnshops were dumping them for $60
PS4 * - release date
XB1 * - release date
Wii U (lolx2) - release date then sold within a month, re-acquired from a craigslist trade for a gtx 970 mini days after Switch presentation
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