lol, Cows will never allow a 360 game to look better, even if it looks as good, or close...take GEARS 2 for example...........
And just for the lulzzzzzz
Not just cows, everyone except lemmings. Manticores even agreed to let Killzone 2 as their graphics king. Only lemmings say Gears 2 is as good.
I lol'ed at the pic :lol:
I agree, Killzone 2 (well now uncharted 2) was graphics king, i never said it wasnt, but gears 2 is on that level, and has superior textures than killzone 2. Killzone 2 has MUCH better lighting, and post processing effects. But graphically, these two consoles are pretty equal, only difference comes down to dev talent, budget, and time.
That is exactly the 360 would need a game with more dedication and support if its to have a game at the level of Uncharted 2.
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