[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]IM sorry, but what the hell is wrong with a Linear game...
seriously, Linear games kick ass
Nothing, but non-linear adds to variety, something the FPs genre could use.... other than skins/asthetics and little gameplay differences.
Bioshock was linear, but its not "just an FPS" by any means
the FPS genre doesnt need non-linear games, it just needs new different experiances, Instead of Call of Duty, Blacksite, Killzone, Medal of Honor
think... Stalker, Chronichles of Riddick, MP3, Bioshock
the FPS genre has no problems with diversity
and just to be frank, every game is Linear, even the non-linear ones...
You have a goal, your not in a free changing space, sure you may THINK you have certain control over which path you choose or whatever but in the end its all the same crap...
if you want side-quests (which IMO are really stupid, just a waste of time unless you want a new item or something), go play an RPG
well your "go play an rpg" point is void, because well , the RPG scene both has very linear (final Fantasy) and very non-linear (Oblivion) type games, so why doesnt the same rule apply to shooters?
Instead of being forced through a scripted war scene , why cant we have full blown First Person shooters set in the styel of oblivion or grand theft auto? sure you can do the main story ... but you dont have to ... ever ....
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