Let me know because I'm trying to figure it out.
- Windows and Internet Explorer has always been a buggy mess.
- The Zune had a hideous design and limited funtionality.
- Windows phones used outdated UI and limited app support.
- The OG Xbox was massive and ugly.
- The 360 is notorious for bricking.
- The Xbone not only was outdated from the start internally but also externally in its design + still used a powerbrick that was almost as big as a Wii U.
- And finally, there was a study done showing that their Surface Pro laptops have a 25% failure rate after 2 years of use.
How can a massive company like MS be known for providing mediocre products and terrible services? Ever since its existence it has spent so much money trying to establish itself as a quality brand and yet nobody sees MS in that light at all.
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