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As PS3 was the direct opposite of what PS2 fans wanted; more focus on graphics, and less on gameplay. Nowdays, PS3 fanboys drool over killzone 2's graphics, but don't discuss any gameplay, and also try to pick fights with PC owners, as they think that "x new game is better than Crysis".
It also let the side down with a launch line up that smelled of "meh". Also, so many people were playing the excellent line-up of PS2 games, and did not give a rat's A__ about the PS3.
Also, have you read the history of system wars??? It was created as there was a crapload of Xbox hate, not Playstation Hate.
EDIT: Most people like Halo and Gears, not just kids. Take your Butthurt to the Sony Defense Force.
i understand xbox hate.As PS3 was the direct opposite of what PS2 fans wanted; more focus on graphics, and less on gameplay. Nowdays, PS3 fanboys drool over killzone 2's graphics, but don't discuss any gameplay, and also try to pick fights with PC owners, as they think that "x new game is better than Crysis".
It also let the side down with a launch line up that smelled of "meh". Also, so many people were playing the excellent line-up of PS2 games, and did not give a rat's A__ about the PS3.
Also, have you read the history of system wars??? It was created as there was a crapload of Xbox hate, not Playstation Hate.
[QUOTE="siddhu33"]i understand xbox hate. well that makes you a cow i guess, if you dont understand the ps3 hate but love on the 360 hateAs PS3 was the direct opposite of what PS2 fans wanted; more focus on graphics, and less on gameplay. Nowdays, PS3 fanboys drool over killzone 2's graphics, but don't discuss any gameplay, and also try to pick fights with PC owners, as they think that "x new game is better than Crysis".
It also let the side down with a launch line up that smelled of "meh". Also, so many people were playing the excellent line-up of PS2 games, and did not give a rat's A__ about the PS3.
Also, have you read the history of system wars??? It was created as there was a crapload of Xbox hate, not Playstation Hate.
It gets hated for the same reason people hate the Patriots, the Yankees, the Lakers, the most popular band, the most popular mainstream movie etc. Sony won two straight console generations handily, and they became the company to hate. They were the "big guy," the "empire," etc. Now that they are in third place, it seems like vindication to those who preferred other consoles. I think that is just human nature. If MS or Nintendo were to dominate for a long time, the same thing would happen with them.
Also, I do have to say (and I have all three systems so I am fairly unbiased), that a lot of Sony fanatics got pretty annoyingly arrogant and kind of had this coming. You can now see it with how annoying the 360 fanboys have been over the last few years; it's the cycle of stupidity, and every system has it's idiot worshippers.
E3 2005. i.e. "Giant enemy crabs," "599 USD," "dual 1080p @ 120 fps in 4D" and "RIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAACER!!!"
I believe that the moment they announced a $600 console, they opened the door for a lot of hate. I think that people who follow the hobby tended to see that as a slap in the face of gamers and the scary direction of where the hobby may be heading. Personally, I dont care one way or another for a console over another. At this point, Nintendo is a rousing success after last gen, they inovated a major aspect of gaming. Microsoft is too, especially given their foothold over online console gaming and the ability to do what needs to be done to attract core and casual gamers through their services. Sony, at this point, Im sorry to say, kinda deserved to have this present situation of playing catchup due to an insanely high price point from launch that got you no graphical improvement over 360, by all accounts, an online service that hasnt met the xbox live standard, a failed six axis experiment, no benefit or draw to "home", bluray, which not only adds no benefit to the high percentage of people without an HD tv, but also has proven to not be necessery in the creation of games in this generation and a library of games that is only now, becoming on par with the competition. Im not bashing sony, im just stating some facts. When looking at the three consoles with nuetral eyes, ps3 has not made a console at this point that warrants a dominating generation, and yet they were asking SOOOO much for it. I believe the "hate" started there.
Welcome to Hate Wars where every system gets its fair share. Sometimes for legitimate reasons, like the PS3 being released at a ridiculous price; sometimes for ignorant fanboy reasons.
2 years of epic fail? bad exec decisions? poor library? 2nd rate multiplats? 2nd rate online? lair? lack of games? overpromising and underdelivering? really folks when it comes to ps3 hate and reasons we can go all day here
that stuff is mostly old news now though, i'm not busting their chops on much these days because 90% of that stuff simply does not apply anymore
i have no problem letting all that stuff go because having a library i respect is what i care about, my biggest bummer these days is how boring the ps3 not being a complete joke has made sw
i don't know if the ps3 will ever be my main gaming rig but at least it's dust gathering days seem to be over with and that's mos def a relief to me
First it was for the lack of games and the $600 pricetag.
Until 2008 it was for lack of games.
Now there is very little hate. I hate it because I think its generally the same thing as the 360 with maybe 10 different noteworthy games. I picked 360 because at the time 360 had more games and everybody I know plays Halo 3 on Live and I have like one friend with a PS3 that actually plays it. :?
Comments like: Next gen doesn't start until we say so.
To be fair though, they have upped their game alot these past couple of years and the 'hate' level is going down all the time.
It came from PS2 absolutely DOMINATING last gen and making SW hell for anyone outside of sony fanboys. This gen it's obvious sony is last in sales, and behind the 360 in games (extremely far behind untill recently where the gap has shortened). The wii and 360 fanboys have been teaming up for awhile now trying to get payback for the terrible last gen they both had.Cows really deserve it too, PS3 is in last, and they werehorrible fanboyslast gen. Glad to see the stupidity rising in them, and the numbers of them overall shrinking.
Well, when it came out there weren't many games for it, and it was pretty expensive until recently(it's been affordably for a year, maybe a little more?). Granted, it's not utter crap, but it didn't have many exclusives that were worth it IMO until this year. They're on a roll recently, it seems. XD And the 360 has more than Gears and Halo for good exclusives, I'm a lemming, admittedly, and Halo's my least FPS on the market and I've no interest in Gears.
You aint' seen nothin' TC, up till about KZ2, it was 10X worse, and you should have seen the venom used on the PS2 back in the PS2 vs. Xbox vs. GC wars.
In the end, they all get ragged on, and while last year, PS3 made a dent and possibly won in AAAE's against the other consoles with AAAE's LBP, Resistance 2, and AAAAE MGS4, this year the train just kept moving with Sony's 1st Party games Killzone 2, InFamous, Demon's Souls, and Uncharted 2, all AAAE's.
Anyways, this place is just a giant circle of hatred that goes around.
Also, Sony coming into the market late with a $600 price tag turned A LOT of folks off.
i dont think it changed when xbox 1 came out i think, but when 360 came out....
what happened?? why did people started to think its cool to hate playstation?? i know this usually happens with everything that has much sucess and its famous, but why?.Hope_Estheim
It has nothing to do with the presence of 360, two generations of being in the lead made Sony arrogant.
They released a extraordinarily expensive console and boasted people would work extra hours to afford it. They created the most difficult console to develop on this generation, which they said was difficult 'on purpose' as if they expected people would sweat blood for the "privilege" of developing on their platform. Not forgetting they boasted all sorts of capabilities, even declaring their console super computer like, most of which never actually happened.
Sony thought they could get away with anything and the industry would simply put up with it, because they're Playstation. Well the industry didn't put up with it, PS3 is in last place and Sony have to make/fund their own games; because no one wants to work with Cell more than they need to.
But this isn't really a reason to hate PS3, Sony was arrogant and now they are being punished for it. What attracts the hate in my mind is the people who refuse to accept PS3 has fallen from 1st place, the religiously fanatical fanboys who have stuck with Playstation for well over a decade. They are in 3rd place but have an attitude as if they are in 1st, their inability to accept what has happened is resulting in very aggressive fans who are obsessed with proving their superiority.
Every none Playstation platform has experienced this on some level, in PCs case it is the frequent attacks on high graphic PC games by Cows trying to prove the superiority of the PS3 :roll:
Because of how the PS2 absolutely demolished every other console last gen, E3 2005/06 and Sony's following PR statements
For losing exclusives like:
- Assassin's Creed
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Devil May Cry 4
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Tekken 6
and many more. Sony made us pay $600 for a console and they refused to secure their exclusives, that's an insult. The PS3 is a little cheaper now but still way too high for what it's worth.
Racist/nationalist people who illogically support/want/belive an american procudct should held in regard over another races/nations products. If there is any question to this conclusion that I've drawn just look at how xbox fans act about western made games in contrast to japanese made games...even if those western games suck monkey fur-balls in comparison.
Also so look at demon's soul's it took Japanese developers to make a game like this. it's staff is 100%japanese therefore it's a JRPG,but many xbox fans don't want to give props to the fact that it's made by the japense calling it a WRPG because then they would be admatting that the japanese made a bettergame than weststern developers using their own format.
Wii has outsold the 360. PS2 outsold the Xbox.
The problem is that Sony doesn't really have ANY "must have" games.... Metal Gear Solid 4 was close, but no cigar. Compare to the 360 that had Dead Rising, Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Fable II, and much more. 360 simply has bigger hitters. Not to mention the vast majority of former PlayStation exclusives are on the 360 now.
I dont hate SONY. i think they're the begst gaming company, or at least suit my needs perfectly.
However i dislike that they somehow got me to purchase what for the first 7 months, amounted to little more then a shint black doorstop for £500.
Then later, with the release of MGS4 and Disgaea it became the current best games console.
Racist/nationalist people who illogically support/want/belive an american procudct should held in regard over another races/nations products. If there is any question to this conclusion that I've drawn just look at how xbox fans act about western made games in contrast to japanese made games...even if those western games suck monkey fur-balls in comparison.
Also so look at demon's soul's it took Japanese developers to make a game like this. it's staff is 100%japanese therefore it's a JRPG,but many xbox fans don't want to give props to the fact that it's made by the japense calling it a WRPG because then they would be admatting that the japanese made a bettergame than weststern developers using their own format.
Wii has outsold the 360. PS2 outsold the Xbox.
The problem is that Sony doesn't really have ANY "must have" games.... Metal Gear Solid 4 was close, but no cigar. Compare to the 360 that had Dead Rising, Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Fable II, and much more. 360 simply has bigger hitters. Not to mention the vast majority of former PlayStation exclusives are on the 360 now.
No game is a definate must have.
Dead Rising may be a must have if you like zombies, i found it boring and tiresome.
Gears of War i've been meaning to give another shot so i'll withdraw judgement.
ME and Halo are in my opinion both in the top five game this gen, however even so, you could live without them.
Fable 2 ... wow. Fable 2 is probably the worst game i have ever played. It's just simply that bad. It's a battle between Fable 2 and Sonko no Ronde for worst game this gen imo.
Racist / nationalist people who illogically support / want / belive an american procudct should held in regard over another races / nations products. If there is any question to this conclusion that I've drawn just look at how xbox fans act about western made games in contrast to japanese made games...even if those western games suck monkey fur-balls in comparison they always say the western made games are better.
Also so look at demon's soul's it took Japanese developers to make a game like this. it's staff is 100% japanese therefore it's a JRPG, but many xbox fans don't want to give props to the fact that it's made by the japense calling it a WRPG because then they would be admatting that the japanese made a better game than weststern developers using their own format.
Dude stfu, Look at the japanese sales charts they arent even giving 360 a great console or western games a chance...seems to me its the other way around
Maybe we should show loyalty to our products the same way they do......maybe thatll show them 8)
Because I just plain don't like the PS3.
I hate chaoz king
I hate forums
I hate system wars
I hate the internet
I hate computers
I hate technology
I hate wood
I hate floors
I hate cloths
I hate pepsi
i hate TV
i hate hateshadow_hosi
Racist / nationalist people who illogically support / want / belive an american procudct should held in regard over another races / nations products. If there is any question to this conclusion that I've drawn just look at how xbox fans act about western made games in contrast to japanese made games...even if those western games suck monkey fur-balls in comparison they always say the western made games are better.
Also so look at demon's soul's it took Japanese developers to make a game like this. it's staff is 100% japanese therefore it's a JRPG, but many xbox fans don't want to give props to the fact that it's made by the japense calling it a WRPG because then they would be admatting that the japanese made a better game than weststern developers using their own format.
Dude stfu, Look at the japanese sales charts they arent even giving 360 a great console or western games a chance...seems to me its the other way around
Maybe we should show loyalty to our products the same way they do......maybe thatll show them 8)
if PS3 (and all the things exactly as it is now)was made byamericans and xbox360 was made by the japaense...I wouldntgive xbox360 a chance either. PS3 is actually somehting to be proud of *AND* itscomming from your home country. Why should the japanese support a lesser product when they can support a better one that also comes from their home country?
Even xbox fanboys know PS3 is the better system, it's just their *loyalty* that keeps them supporting a worse system over PS3 oh and because it's made by the japanese. And the reason why people buy the wii is because it's marketed towardcasuals/non-gamers,it's not even really in competition with PS3 and 360 so people don't look at them the same.
Really, I don't think there is a ton of PS hate, either on this board or in RL. It's just that the haters are very loud and persistent.
I do think that there was a fair bit of rooting against the PS3 going on earlier in this generation, mostly beacause of a baffling overconfidence that they would quickly dominate the marketplace again no matter how much they charged, or when they launched. Not to mention a lot of people without a strong rooting interest for anyside tend to back the underdogs over a favorite. Whatever makes for good drama, amirite??? :D
A lot of that has gone away now, as Sony seems to have amended many of the shortcomings of their system. Now you're down to the people who got a little too into it... kinda like the guy who's way too into a little kids soccer game. These guys don't realize that most people moved on long ago, and that it never mattered that much to begin with. And you have guys like that hating on every system.
IMO i think most of xbox fans are kids. around 15 maybe. xbox 1 is prob the first system they got, and they like to defend it. and bash playstation is the first thing they think about. thats one of the reasons that explains why games ike Halo or gears are so well known. kids love that crap.Hope_EstheimNice try...Where are you from by the way?
I think it's the disgruntled Dreamcast fans that went over to the XBox1 and just rode out that generation as Lems. This gen, it's pretty much the same people, they're just loud and proud because the gaming media has their back and the PS3 launched at a ridiculous price for a console. Same haters, new generation.
-_- people dont hate PLAYSTATION they hate sony for its not listening to gamers they pushed the bluray card and graphics card whne we jsut want games that are fun to play and awesome online play that is why i own an xbox 360, but from the looks of it PS3 is getting more games now and thus justifies the purpose of buying the PS3. I am an Xbox 360 owner but i DONT want to see playstation fall, in fact i want them to do good but LIKE MICROSOFT AS WELL sony had some problems with the game lineup and what not, but its geting its games so everything shoudl be fine. They should really focus on online play and mroe multiplyer community than gimmicky stuff loike playstation home that does not interest me as a gamer. I mean seriously Microsoft had a bigger problem with the whole RED RING OF DEAH but they were abl to recover from that. If they didnt have the lineup of games tey have now and that was still happening the console would of failed. its just a matter of focusing on the community and getting more 3rd party suport and giving people great games.
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