As great as the sales are for Wii, I can't help but feel the game selection is the same as the Gamecube. The big games currently and in the near future are all Mario/Zelda/Metroid clones. Very few AAA/AA exclusives not made by Nintendo. Very little effort with most developers to take advantage of the WiiMote. Most of the games are old classics they are bringing back, which was fun at first but gets old fast.
Where are the FIRST-PERSON-SHOOTERS and REAL-TIME-STRATEGY game? Yo Nintendo! You have the ONLY controller that can play as smoothly as a mouse. You should be blowing shooters out of your factories at an incredible rate! Xbox should be scared of you and thinking it will lose its title as "the console for shoooters."
Not just those genres, where are the Nintendo exclusive sports titles that really use the WiiMote. Sega is making an American Football game even though EA owns the NFL rights. All we have aresimple WiiSports games. Come on Nintendo! Get with it! Even Sony and Microsoft dragged out their own in-depth exclusive sports titles in the PS2 and XBOX1 days. You have a WiMote that can be used as any sports movement, you should be releasing a terrific exclusive sports game every month!
You have this awesome controller that brings in all the casuals and you're not doing jack about it! You're going to lose your lead when everyone realizes they're playing the GameCube with a few WiiMote gimmicky games!
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