For all the criticism Xbox One receiving lately, where it went wrong you guys think? Losing exlusives to PC ( Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Quantum Break, Forza , Gears, Rise of The Tomb Raider ETC ) or system sellers as Halo 5/Halo MCC collection being dissapointing or different issues as Hardware/Pricing.
Hmm let's look , I play magic duels , elite dangerous and ark survival, I also don't like playing on the pc.
and yesterday I bought this guy for my team
which is exclusive for the xboxone. Like all the legends on fifa ultimate team.
The xboxone is also a better controller for fifa, if I use the ps4 controller my finger slides of the left analog stick.
There seems nothing to be wrong with the xboxone for me, I also bought a ps4 to play bloodborne , which is a great game, but it's only one game and don't like games like uncharted and the last of us. So sadly after a couple of months I sold it, hardware drops too quickly in price to just stand there, especially when they announced the neo.
So to me a better question would be, what's wrong with the ps4, and the answer is easy.
Hmm let's look , I play magic duels , elite dangerous and ark survival, I also don't like playing on the pc.
and yesterday I bought this guy for my team
which is exclusive for the xboxone. Like all the legends on fifa ultimate team.
The xboxone is also a better controller for fifa, if I use the ps4 controller my finger slides of the left analog stick.
There seems nothing to be wrong with the xboxone for me, I also bought a ps4 to play bloodborne , which is a great game, but it's only one game and don't like games like uncharted and the last of us. So sadly after a couple of months I sold it, hardware drops too quickly in price to just stand there, especially when they announced the neo.
So to me a better question would be, what's wrong with the ps4, and the answer is easy.
Hmm let's look , I play magic duels , elite dangerous and ark survival, I also don't like playing on the pc.
and yesterday I bought this guy for my team
which is exclusive for the xboxone. Like all the legends on fifa ultimate team.
The xboxone is also a better controller for fifa, if I use the ps4 controller my finger slides of the left analog stick.
There seems nothing to be wrong with the xboxone for me, I also bought a ps4 to play bloodborne , which is a great game, but it's only one game and don't like games like uncharted and the last of us. So sadly after a couple of months I sold it, hardware drops too quickly in price to just stand there, especially when they announced the neo.
So to me a better question would be, what's wrong with the ps4, and the answer is easy.
It's a system made for casuals.
Lol you fllp flopped again rather quickly.
That old news dawg and it was bit exaggerated just for the sake of comedy.
But the first thing I did was buy a ps4 controller after selling my ps4, it's really more ergonomic for single player games like fallout 4, i did have to buy an adapter to make it work on my xboxone though. I thought for a while to play all my single player games on the ps4, but I didn't feel like restarting my fallout 4. and buying all sp games seperatly.
The ps4 controller works on the pc as well, and with that new architecture on the horizon, I might go back to the pc for single player games, all depends how good the console versions are. I'm not interested in 4k atm.
MS messed up the launch. they released a console that was more expensive and less powerful than its main competitor and the market saw no value in kinect or the TV in stuff. with the DRM scew up they were just completely on the backfoot at launch.
momentum is key in this business. at the end of the day the PS4 offers more power for the same money, or less, and gets all the major games people are looking for. that message is very clear out there at the moment and it has been since day 1. sony learned from their PS3 debacle (which had a dire launch).
MS still havent gvien a very good reason for most people to pick a X1 over a PS4.
For me it comes down to a controller and the PS4 one is more comfortable to me I still wish I could use my 360 controller for my xb1 cuz that's how bad i hate that controller. It just feels way too stiff for me.
For all the criticism Xbox One receiving lately, where it went wrong you guys think? Losing exlusives to PC ( Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Quantum Break, Forza , Gears, Rise of The Tomb Raider ETC ) or system sellers as Halo 5/Halo MCC collection being dissapointing or different issues as Hardware/Pricing.
Where Xbox ONE went wrong?
Where it went wrong? Well from its inception. We shit on Nintendo for the confusion around the Wii U brand but man that XB1 E3 reveal...
Then they dumped all their first party studio's. The price wasn't significantly lower than PS4. So what did they have to compete with a PS4? And they stopped paying for third party exclusive deals. Or if they haven't, then I must have missed them. The hardware wasn't better. They had no edge.
The architecture of the system, which is more obtuse than the PS4's, and less capable
The hostile policies towards developers, especially indie developers
The misguided focus on gimmicks like Kinect
The extremely high price (for a product that is weaker and inferior to the competition, it cost 25% more at launch)
The dumping of most first party studios and brands Microsoft had between 2009-2013
The anti consumer statements Microsoft made that soured people on the system from the get go
Really, it's easier to ask where they didn't go wrong. Most of the things Microsoft did with the Xbox One to begin with were terribly misguided and wrong. It is a testament to the goodwill Microsoft had with gamers and developers from the Xbox 360 days, as well as the fact that they didn't misconceive their system as badly as Nintendo did, that the Xbox One didn't just end up as yet another Wii U.
For me it comes down to a controller and the PS4 one is more comfortable to me I still wish I could use my 360 controller for my xb1 cuz that's how bad i hate that controller. It just feels way too stiff for me.
I bought the cronusmax , which means you can use any controller from this gen and last gen, on any console from this gen and last gen.
@charizard1605: At least MS had enough sense to market the X1 in a way everyone knew it was a next gen console, something Nintendo ( somehow) confused people with. And they dropped the anti consumer policies before the console came out. Also you need to stop spreading false information that the PS4 is like 10000x stronger than the X1. I don't know how many times I have to state this but the PS4 is marginally stronger than the X1. On 99% percent of multiplats you can't even tell the difference between the X1 and PS4. Hell the Xbox 360 multiplats compared to the PS3 was a much bigger and noticeable difference. You keep saying PS4 plays these games better compared to X1, when you don't even have an X1 and have no idea how they play on it. I'll give you a hint, identically.
Also more false information regarding your indie statement, look at Remedy, they said they loved working with MS and they consider themselves indie. Or Moon Studios. And The developers of Cuphead. If Indies hate MS so much why are they developing games exclusive to PC/X1 Or just X1?
Focusing on everything but games (including Kinect). They seem to have thought that gamers would be onboard no matter what, they just needed to convince everyone else. Big misstake!
The architecture of the system, which is more obtuse than the PS4's, and less capable
The hostile policies towards developers, especially indie developers
The misguided focus on gimmicks like Kinect
The extremely high price (for a product that is weaker and inferior to the competition, it cost 25% more at launch)
The dumping of most first party studios and brands Microsoft had between 2009-2013
The anti consumer statements Microsoft made that soured people on the system from the get go
Really, it's easier to ask where they didn't go wrong. Most of the things Microsoft did with the Xbox One to begin with were terribly misguided and wrong. It is a testament to the goodwill Microsoft had with gamers and developers from the Xbox 360 days, as well as the fact that they didn't misconceive their system as badly as Nintendo did, that the Xbox One didn't just end up as yet another Wii U.
@ProtossRushX: Really? Most people I've spoken to say they prefer the XB1 controller over DS4... As do I. I guess everyone's hands are different.
Do you have large hands?
My hands are pretty average. I just like my controllers like I like my old car/bed/food. It's like when you stay at a fancy hotel and the sheets are all stiff and pillows are super hard and pointy.
I prefer to just fall into my little bed and just relax with my cheap squishy pillows nothing fancy or elaborate.
THE 360 CONTROLLER WAS that comfort food for me. THE XBOX ONE CONTROLLER is the stiff hotel experience which is only fine every once in awhile.
The ps4 feels a lot like all my favorite controllers like the 360 and the ps2 and the snes those are my comfort controller to go to. I haven't tried the elite but I don't want all that wacky fancy crap on it im basic average guy. :|
@charizard1605: you forget the always online, all seeing kinect. It not only increased the price but not everyone is comfortable with a always online camera in their living room.
It's the reason why I didn't buy the xboxone at launch, I waited for the kinectless version.
By releasing a gimped in hardware console in comparison to the PS4 and forced Kinect which was universally panned on to everyone.
It also didn't help that the PS4 was $100 less than the Xbox One and was shown to be more powerful.
What they should have done to rectify this was release a steady flow of GOOD Exclusive games. Keep stuff like Ryse: Son of Rome and Dead Rising 3 exclusive. I mean they're not on PS4, but Those 2 games releasing on Steam I think hurt Xbox One sales. Surely I wouldn't like it because I have Xbox One exclusives on my PC, like Killer Instinct, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Dead Rising 3, but had Microsoft gave the Xbox One a Backbone the list of exclusives for Xbox One would have been more than just Gears, Halo, Forze, plus Sunset Overdrive & Rare Collection.
And the other thing is that Microsoft doesn't even need to be like this. I keep saying this too. They have IPs that they can use, but they just don't have the talent or balls to go for them. Lion Head Studio died trying to make a Fable game for crying out loud.
So all and all the Failures of the Xbox One totally lie in Microsoft's hands and it's a shame too.
The messaging of the reveal. The DRM and 24 hour check ins gave the reflex reaction public a bad taste. Now looking at it, many of the best selling games have an online that people are paying to play anyway so obviously they need to be online and some games only have an online component. But the "check in" was like a big brother message. Albeit it's absurd to be afraid of in a world in which most of us have a phone that can be accessed at any time. We don't get sales numbers of digital but obviously they are selling. They wouldn't bother with online stores if they did not.
People will say the power difference but that isn't as big a deal imo. Somebody will always be not as powerful. As long as the consoles are close enough to get the same 3rd party support of mainstream titles the average consumer isn't bothered.
Games going to PC is something here, among gamers who count exclusives and TFLOPS and all that shyte, but the average consumer that doesn't want to game on a PC or have any interest in learning about it only sees that game A isn't available on the other console.
Xbox One has Dead Rising 3 is somehow a bad thing to some and not worth playing if on another system. The logic is baffling. Of course, the idea is why get xbox one if you own a PC, but considering the trend is to shit on nearly everything that graces the XBO it's no surprise when the game like DR3 shoes up on PC it's still being shit on, like the GS review like people don't realize joke is over.
@cainetao11: I think the point of the "Online check in" thing Microsoft revealed was that even if you bought your game legitimately they can take away your right to play the game without you knowing.
You weren't really buying a game, but merely "renting". Have Crappy Internet? You can't play your game cause the Server Pinged out even if you just wanted to play a single player game with no Online functionality.
Want to borrow a friend's game? Too bad, Game not associated with the console.
It was stuff like that that made the Xbox One truly undesirable.
Power and exclusives. Wii U has more exclusives I want to play + it's bleeding exclusives at the moment. Most its games run at 900p or lower with inferior framerate when compared to the competition.
I could afford to buy the system now, I just don't see the point even though new hardware is always nice, I'll just wait for the next model to pop out.
@cainetao11: I think the point of the "Online check in" thing Microsoft revealed was that even if you bought your game legitimately they can take away your right to play the game without you knowing.
You weren't really buying a game, but merely "renting". Have Crappy Internet? You can't play your game cause the Server Pinged out even if you just wanted to play a single player game with no Online functionality.
Want to borrow a friend's game? Too bad, Game not associated with the console.
It was stuff like that that made the Xbox One truly undesirable.
As @bickle2 said to me: "Every single player in the game industry wanted a block on used games, Gamestop has been screwing them for years selling barely used and stolen games they bought for half of what it costs them to buy new copies from suckers, and this has cost developers a fortune. My company actually tracked that in a six month period, in one busy Gamestop that copies of Call of Duty actually churned an average of three times, and spent less than six hours in the store after being sold in the three months following launch. And we tracked about 250 copies, or which about 60 came back Microsoft's system would have forced GameStop to pay royalties on those sales to the people that make the games, and depend on those royalties to keep the doors open (not the publishers, the DEVELOPERS). Sony implemented theirs with an RFID chip that burns the game disc once it's been read, and locks it to a particular console. This is an extremely Japanese way of doing things, and right in line with their general design philosophy."
I have read similar investigative reports on the pitfalls of the used game market for development studios.
As for losing SP access because a server pinged out, we never got to see whether any of that would have been a problem. The game would still have been installed on your HDD. Its easy now to say "I think this is what would have happened" but none of us know.
Xbox One has Dead Rising 3 is somehow a bad thing to some and not worth playing if on another system. The logic is baffling. Of course, the idea is why get xbox one if you own a PC, but considering the trend is to shit on nearly everything that graces the XBO it's no surprise when the game like DR3 shoes up on PC it's still being shit on, like the GS review like people don't realize joke is over.
Agreed on the DR3 point. So its on PC, big deal. It isnt on another console. And when Bill goes into a store to buy a console and Bill likes DR 1&2 and the kid behind the counter says "well its on PC too" that wont mean squat to Bill. He went in to buy a console, probably doesnt have a PC that can run DR3. I tried playing games last gen on my Dell $600 laptop. It was all I had in AIT and nothing but old games like Deus Ex and Half Life could run on it. So the its on PC thing isnt going to sway someone that wants a console away from it. Now DRM and no used games unfortunately for MS was the kiss of death.
Hmm let's look , I play magic duels , elite dangerous and ark survival, I also don't like playing on the pc.
and yesterday I bought this guy for my team
which is exclusive for the xboxone. Like all the legends on fifa ultimate team.
The xboxone is also a better controller for fifa, if I use the ps4 controller my finger slides of the left analog stick.
There seems nothing to be wrong with the xboxone for me, I also bought a ps4 to play bloodborne , which is a great game, but it's only one game and don't like games like uncharted and the last of us. So sadly after a couple of months I sold it, hardware drops too quickly in price to just stand there, especially when they announced the neo.
So to me a better question would be, what's wrong with the ps4, and the answer is easy.
It's a system made for casuals.
Weren't you spending your days riding Sony's nuts and pimping the PS4 not three months ago?
They made a bad first impression for the Xbox One with things like DRM, forced Kinect, focus on TV over games, etc.
Since then, I think Microsoft has done a great job of responding to consumer feedback and correcting their early mistakes to turn the Xbox One into a good console (it took Sony much longer to correct their mistakes with the PS3 and turn it into a good console), but first impressions are very important and it is hard and takes a lot of time for a bad first impression to change, but if Microsoft keeps working as hard as they have been doing lately to deliver what gamers want, I think the future is bright and they will eventually regain the glory that they had with the Xbox 360.
Hmm let's look , I play magic duels , elite dangerous and ark survival, I also don't like playing on the pc.
and yesterday I bought this guy for my team
which is exclusive for the xboxone. Like all the legends on fifa ultimate team.
The xboxone is also a better controller for fifa, if I use the ps4 controller my finger slides of the left analog stick.
There seems nothing to be wrong with the xboxone for me, I also bought a ps4 to play bloodborne , which is a great game, but it's only one game and don't like games like uncharted and the last of us. So sadly after a couple of months I sold it, hardware drops too quickly in price to just stand there, especially when they announced the neo.
So to me a better question would be, what's wrong with the ps4, and the answer is easy.
It's a system made for casuals.
Weren't you spending your days riding Sony's nuts and pimping the PS4 not three months ago?
more comedy than something else. Also a clever way to get rabid sony fanboy mods of my back.
initially I did like my purchase, you know what they say, new knives always cut best but it got old fast, I sold it a couple of weeks ago.
I must admit that I bought a seperate ps4 controller to use on my xboxone and pc after I sold it.
For single player games if I find that controller more ergonomic, for competitive multiplay (that aren't fighting games like mortal kombat, street fighter) the x1 controller is better. That's pretty much the ps4 for me this gen, a controller for single player games (which is way more than last gen actually)
@cainetao11: What I don't get is that you read the second half, and ignored the front part where I specifically addressed your paranoia. The system was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO LET YOU LEND AND SELL YOUR GAMES, INCLUDING DIGITAL ONES. They can already take away your rights to a game, and so can Sony. When Strider was accidentally made free a week prior to release, they deactivated everyone's copies. In other words, they were ill gotten gains. Sony was going to LOCK EVERYONE OUT FOREVER, PERIOD FROM LENDING OR SELLING THEIR GAMES. But because they reversed course, soley because they were unable to compete, and launched a smear campaign, they're good?
@cainetao11: What I don't get is that you read the second half, and ignored the front part where I specifically addressed your paranoia. The system was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO LET YOU LEND AND SELL YOUR GAMES, INCLUDING DIGITAL ONES. They can already take away your rights to a game, and so can Sony. When Strider was accidentally made free a week prior to release, they deactivated everyone's copies. In other words, they were ill gotten gains. Sony was going to LOCK EVERYONE OUT FOREVER, PERIOD FROM LENDING OR SELLING THEIR GAMES. But because they reversed course, soley because they were unable to compete, and launched a smear campaign, they're good?
Never claimed any of that.
I read that whole thing and if you recall, I said I was aware of what you posted the other day, being an avid gamer, news junkie and share holder in both companies. I keep an eye on what I invest in. I used that portion because it illustrated a point very well. Last gen I remember fully threads bashing Gamestop and used games because its bad for devs. But when push came to shove it was lip service as people want their used games.
The architecture of the system, which is more obtuse than the PS4's, and less capable
The hostile policies towards developers, especially indie developers
The misguided focus on gimmicks like Kinect
The extremely high price (for a product that is weaker and inferior to the competition, it cost 25% more at launch)
The dumping of most first party studios and brands Microsoft had between 2009-2013
The anti consumer statements Microsoft made that soured people on the system from the get go
Really, it's easier to ask where they didn't go wrong. Most of the things Microsoft did with the Xbox One to begin with were terribly misguided and wrong. It is a testament to the goodwill Microsoft had with gamers and developers from the Xbox 360 days, as well as the fact that they didn't misconceive their system as badly as Nintendo did, that the Xbox One didn't just end up as yet another Wii U.
^^^^Pretty much summarizes all.
Some of those plus the lacking games to interest me were the reason why I got a PS4 first.
@cainetao11: I think the point of the "Online check in" thing Microsoft revealed was that even if you bought your game legitimately they can take away your right to play the game without you knowing.
You weren't really buying a game, but merely "renting". Have Crappy Internet? You can't play your game cause the Server Pinged out even if you just wanted to play a single player game with no Online functionality.
Want to borrow a friend's game? Too bad, Game not associated with the console.
It was stuff like that that made the Xbox One truly undesirable.
I have been using my console offline for quite a while now and have not had any problems installing or playing any of my disk games.
Online check in is only required to play games digitally downloaded so your post is quite misleading.
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