The lemmings, since they ran out of ammo a long time ago.
While the Cows never had any acutal ammo to begin with.
Yeah, exept for the GOTY awards, perfect 10 score for MGS IV, a constant stream of high budget games, outselling the 360 pretty much since its release, free online play, etc. etc.
Lemming have ammo as well. Having actual top selling/critically acclaimed/well renowned long legs exclusives, a Online that PSN still has to catch up to, better multiplats, has widen the gap again between the PS3 WW, Kinect successfully appealing to the casuals as welll as continued support for core gamers. The Xbox360 is the console shooter of choice, stil continues to grow with more games coming out with no actual end in sight while Cows can hopelessly complain form third place with sloppy multiplats-Skyrim, flops like PSP GO and Vita, overhyped exclusives GTA5, and uninspiring FPS like KZ. The train has already left the station and the PS3 can not stop the Xbox360 from it's continuing growth.
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