Every Resident Evil game is good. However Operation raccoon city developed by Slant Six is just garbage. Only good thing about it is seeing the environments and Mr.X
From best to worst:
RE2 ( atmospheric soundtrack and just great level design. Not bothered by the backtracking at all)
RE4 ( a masterpiece in pacing and just when you think you had enough, it gives you more. Absolutely amazing game)
Remake ( amazing atmosphere and a very difficult game on the first playthrough.)
RE3 nemesis ( some of the best gaming moments there is. It was satisfying to destroy nemesis with a handgun, perfect the dodge and speedrun it)
RE code Veronica ( starts slow but picks up fast. You'll hate Steve and some of the later parts are considerably weaker the the first half but it's also overall a pretty good game)
RE Outbreak 1 ( no comment. Brilliant take on RE co op. Game is ahead of its time in that concept, I wish we could get outbreak 3 designed similarly to this one with co op built in. Just great)
RE Outbreak 2 ( better monster design and more difficult than the first. It's actually a really challenging game at the time I played it)
RE 5 ( wesker, HD graphics, fun co op and just overall fun game to go through)
RE Revelations ( the scan the environment stuff was annoying but overall I really enjoyed it. Good resident evil experience)
RE 6 ( great mechanics and gameplay with terrible level design and QTE's. Some of the levels really hade wondering WTF were they thinking. It must have been designed a young team or something that is not aware of how to make a video game fun. Overall it's a good game wrapped in a terribly designed levels if that made any sense lol)
RE Dead Aim (interesting game by cavia)
RE Survivor ( if you do not look at the enemy they can't attack you lol. It's a fun game for its time)", no idea how it holds up today
RE umbrella Chronicles ( two games for the arcade fans. They were alright)
RE Darkside Chronicles
RE ORC don't go near this unless you are a huge RE fan. You might forgive some of the shit it has for the cool enemy design like mr.X and seeing umbrella perspective of things but overall it's a shitty game. It's just garbage. The cover system is sticky and the zombies and enemies are bullet sponges. It's just terrible and an insult to the fans.
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