Lets give the big 3 a break.There going through tough times so lets hate on ea,activision and capcom.
In your opinion which is the worst/worse?
Here are some negatives about each.
- Puts an online pass in just about every game.
- Money greedy (battlefield 3 dlc 11 pounds).
- Release incomplete games and complete them with dlc (mass effect endings)
- Fifa 12 servers are bad
- allow battlefield 3 players to buy servers for extra money.
- early server closings (fifa 10)
- Day 1 dlc
- releseing battlefield in 2 year cycles now
- Inclomplete games (mvc3 vanila etc.)
- They never listhen to the fan base (umvc 3 marvel charachters:no venom,no psylock etc.)
- They mess around with mega man (they tease him in umvc 3 xmen stage,they put him in an ending,zero megaman outfit,frank west megaman outfit,zero megaman outfit)
- They put a fat megaman in sf x tekken
- they dont put guest charachters on the xbox version of sf x tekken
- asuras wrath is a bigger movie then uncharted
- They release multiple versions of the incomplete games (umvc3,super street fighter arcade edition)
- cancelled mega man legends 3
- Yearly releses
- catering to the casuals now
- gets part of the xbox live fee
- Expensive dlc
- Ruined spyro
Cant think of anymore for activision
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