Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony? If they ever do go out of business...
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you mean out of buisness in the gamings departement right? well, its going to take at least another gen for any of them to go bankrupt(in the gaming departement)but i guess sony because of such a bad gen they've had. MS is next, but it'll take a lot of time to get THEM out of the gaming departement because of all the money they have. nintendo's probably never going to go bankrupt because they pretty much rule the portables, so they'll always be SOMEWHERE.
Out of those 3 most likely Sony, but not because of the PS3, but rather because of Samsung, and other electronics giants that are producing higher quality electronics for less money than Sony charges.
Microsoft has to compete with Apple, but no, just no. Apple isn't going to overthrow them anytime soon.
Nintendo has been around since the 1800's, and up until earlier this year never saw a non-profit quarter? Not once? And they've shot up to the 2nd richest company in Japan.
In our lifetime, none of the above. And even if one did go out of business, another company would buy the rights to the name of the company and continue to release products under that name.
Atari never whent out of buinsess, they published "The Witcher" amoung other thing.Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony? If they ever do go out of business...
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