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Step 1: Get better taste But if you refuse to do that, DS or 3DS when it comes out or a PSP or both.bobbetybob
Yah lawl! Git Moar Shootarzz!
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]Step 1: Get better taste But if you refuse to do that, DS or 3DS when it comes out or a PSP or both.Filthybastrd
Yah lawl! Git Moar Shootarzz!
Yeah cause JRPG and shooters are the only genres of game!A time machine so you can go back to the Snes days.IronBass
I like this answer.
Though on-topic, I would choose a PS2, DS and/or PSP, and do get a PS3 sometime around the end of the year.
DS, I would guess. Although I don't do a lot of handheld gaming so I can't really say.
PS3, otherwise. If not for the sole purpose of Valkyria Chronicles which is far and away the best JRPG I've played this generation.
I think the ps3 is the way to go for JRPGs now but Xbox have good ones too
anyway, here's what I know
Valkyrie Chronicles.
Demons Soul
Eternal Sonata
Disgaea 3
Final Fantasy XIII"although a lot of people hate it but it's a great good"
Star Ocean 4 the last hope
Trinity Universe
Lost Oddysee "Xbox exclusive"
Tales of Vesperia " Xbox exclusive"
well.. that's what I know.hope that helps
[QUOTE="Jack_240"]It isn't exclusive anymore, well in Japan anyways, and since the ps3 isn't region locked you can import the game.Tales of Vesperia " Xbox exclusive"
And learn Japanese while you're waiting.
PsP or PS3. with neptunia, disgaea, wkc2, atelier, ar tonelico, ni no kuni, trinity souls, etc. all coming out exclusively for the PS3 this year i don't think there's a much better choice than the PS3 console for jrpg's. On top of that add Catherine, agarest if war 2 and other multiplats like FFXIII-2...
Nintendo DS or start getting older consoles. If you're set on a HD console, the 360 has Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon as exclusives, Tales of Vesperia as an English exclusive & most the others are multiplat. However, it seems Final Fantasy Versus 13 will be staying exclusive to the PS3 if you want to wait somewhere between one to twelve years.
I forgot about Disgaea on the PS3, & then there are a bunch I've heard mentioned once or twice that are exclusive to the PS3 as mentioned above. Also, what is with everyone bashing jRPGs? One of my favourite genres.
Get a PSP for now if you plan on getting a 3DS anyway. No wait! get a DS lite possibly too, they are going cheap now and you can play a huge back catalogue of GBA rpg's, some real gems in there (get the Golden Suns).
3DS it is backward compatible with the DS and it has a great line up of JRPGs from Level 5 like Time Travelers (Might not be a JRPG but it looks interesting), Fantasy Life, Nino Kuni (It is on the DS but can be played on the 3DS)
A PS2, DS and PSP. There is a very insigificant number of quality JRPG's these days on modern home consoles.
Thanks for all the answers Based on answers and search,comes down to this: PS2(because 3 no or limited bc) or PS3 3DS is ruled out since it has been confirmed it will have region lock and since I from EU,that means most of the game never will make here(no sense to buy it when very few games) Xbox 360 is clearly behind PS3 in terms of jrpg-s. PSP or Wii I didnt found any reasons why would they be reasonable choices(nothing exclusive or intresting) DS lite maybe,because it dont have region lock and thus i can get games.Alexashenko
However, if you already don't have one, the PS2 is the best choice for sure and I think most would agree with that. However, it's also region locked if I remember correctly and you'll have to purchase most games from the internet most likely.
A PS2 or Nintendo DS.
The PS3 is supposed to get FF VS excluslive and I have a lot of faith in Level 5's JRPG (Creators of Dark Cloud series). But this gen sucks for JRPGS
Edit: we also have Valkyria Chronicles and White Knight Chronicles which was received favorably by the community for the online, but it doesn't seem to be anything special.
[QUOTE="Miroku32"][QUOTE="Jack_240"]It isn't exclusive anymore, well in Japan anyways, and since the ps3 isn't region locked you can import the game. How much you wanna bet the topic creator can't read Japanese? I know right, SW thinks every ps3 owner speaks/reads Japanese.Tales of Vesperia " Xbox exclusive"
[QUOTE="Miroku32"][QUOTE="Jack_240"]It isn't exclusive anymore, well in Japan anyways, and since the ps3 isn't region locked you can import the game. How much you wanna bet the topic creator can't read Japanese? no need to bet,I cant xDTales of Vesperia " Xbox exclusive"
1. PS2
2. DS (or 3DS since it plays DS games so you're future proof when JRPGs come for 3DS)
3. Xbox 360
4. PS3
6. Wii
That's in the order I'd recommend them
Maybe pick up a PS2 if you don't have one
If you buy a 360 or PS3, i'd recommend picking up a PSP or DS since they are cheap enuff, but honestly the PSP and DS jrpgs are robust as well
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