in terms of what they could do graphically my pick would be naughty dog, i think uncharted speaks for itself i mean that latest uncharted video in the desert was drool inducing, can you imagine that in 1080p, 60 fps with all the bells and whistles? ya itd be a sight to see
but which developer would i want to see most make a game? without a doubt hideo kojima, remember that very first MGS 4 trailer they showed years befor it released? back then when production of mgs 4 was still in very early stages , hideo kojima was planning on making the enviroments of mgs 4 completely destructible along with alot of other ideas, because this was all before he knew the final specs of the ps3, once he found out he obviously had to scale back alot of ideas and he really never got to make the game he really wanted but still mgs 4 turned out to be an excellent game. can you imagine what he'd do with unlimited power????
anyways SW, what console developer do you think could impress us the most on pc
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