In this thread, I will talk about 2 consoles which are 360 and PS3. I won't really subject Wii here and PC obviously hands down is better. I am gonna include the exclusives each consoles have, already released and yet to come.
Xbox 360:
Gears of war 3
Halo reach - Defiant map Pack
Witcher 2, not released on PS3
Child of Eden, Kinect Game, released earlier on 360
COD Black Ops First strike(Released a month early)
COD Black Ops Escalation(Released a month early)
COD Black Ops Anihilation(Released a month early)
Forza 4
Section 8: Prejuddice
Codename D
Homefront Fire sale map pack (Released early)
Crysis 2 Decimation Pack
Halo : Combat Evolved Remake
Star Wars Kinect
The first templar
Little Big Planet 2
Dead space 2, Extraction and Ignition
Socom 4
Killzone 3
Uncharted 3
Portal 2: Steam use
Back to the future episodes
Resistance 2
Infamous 2
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Playstation move Heroes
Post your opinions here on which console has better exclusives, For me, It's 360.
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