I just got done watching the Technobuffalo console war video thing where the latest round discussed the future of the two consoles and which has a brighter outlook. They gave the win to 360 because they said Live will probaly always be one step ahead of PSN and Natal is something brand new opposed to Move. They did say PS3 will be the place to go for 3-D stuff, but who knows if thatll catch on. Also, he said the game changer could be what ever PSN premium offers.
Any, which of these two consoles do you think has the better and or brightest future? Personally, I think XBOX has a brighter online future (unless the Premium PSN service puts it to shame), but I do think PS3 has a brighter Graphics future. Also, between Natal and Move, I think Natal does have the most potential, but also the most potential of failing.
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